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MyBB AJAX Pagination


I need to write an AJAX Pagination for MyBB (forum software)

Here is the pagination function

* Generate a listing of page – pagination
* @param int The number of items
* @param int The number of items to be shown per page
* @param int The current page number
* @param string The URL to have page numbers tacked on to (If {page} is specified, the value will be replaced with the page #)
* @return string The generated pagination
function multipage($count, $perpage, $page, $url, $breadcrumb=false)
global $theme, $templates, $lang, $mybb;

if($count <= $perpage)

$url = str_replace(“&amp;”, “&”, $url);
$url = htmlspecialchars_uni($url);

$pages = ceil($count / $perpage);

$prevpage = ”;
if($page > 1)
$prev = $page-1;
$page_url = fetch_page_url($url, $prev);
eval(“$prevpage = “”.$templates->get(“multipage_prevpage”).””;”);

// Maximum number of “page bits” to show
$mybb->settings[‘maxmultipagelinks’] = 5;

$from = $page-floor($mybb->settings[‘maxmultipagelinks’]/2);
$to = $page+floor($mybb->settings[‘maxmultipagelinks’]/2);

if($from <= 0)
$from = 1;
$to = $from+$mybb->settings[‘maxmultipagelinks’]-1;

if($to > $pages)
$to = $pages;
$from = $pages-$mybb->settings[‘maxmultipagelinks’]+1;
if($from <= 0)
$from = 1;

if($to == 0)
$to = $pages;

$start = ”;
if($from > 1)
if($from-1 == 1)
$lang->multipage_link_start = ”;

$page_url = fetch_page_url($url, 1);
eval(“$start = “”.$templates->get(“multipage_start”).””;”);

$mppage = ”;
for($i = $from; $i <= $to; ++$i)
$page_url = fetch_page_url($url, $i);
if($page == $i)
if($breadcrumb == true)
eval(“$mppage .= “”.$templates->get(“multipage_page_link_current”).””;”);
eval(“$mppage .= “”.$templates->get(“multipage_page_current”).””;”);
eval(“$mppage .= “”.$templates->get(“multipage_page”).””;”);

$end = ”;
if($to < $pages)
if($to+1 == $pages)
$lang->multipage_link_end = ”;

$page_url = fetch_page_url($url, $pages);
eval(“$end = “”.$templates->get(“multipage_end”).””;”);

$nextpage = ”;
if($page < $pages)
$next = $page+1;
$page_url = fetch_page_url($url, $next);
eval(“$nextpage = “”.$templates->get(“multipage_nextpage”).””;”);

$lang->multipage_pages = $lang->sprintf($lang->multipage_pages, $pages);

if($breadcrumb == true)
eval(“$multipage = “”.$templates->get(“multipage_breadcrumb”).””;”);
eval(“$multipage = “”.$templates->get(“multipage”).””;”);

return $multipage;

* Generate a page URL for use by the multipage function
* @param string The URL being passed
* @param int The page number
function fetch_page_url($url, $page)
if($page <= 1)
$find = array(

// Remove “Page 1” to the defacto URL
$url = str_replace($find, array(“”, “”, $page), $url);
return $url;
else if(strpos($url, “{page}”) === false)
// If no page identifier is specified we tack it on to the end of the URL
if(strpos($url, “?”) === false)
$url .= “?”;
$url .= “&amp;”;

$url .= “page=$page”;
$url = str_replace(“{page}”, $page, $url);

return $url;

Anyone can suggest me about the AJAX ?

Thanks a lots!

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3 Comments(s)

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@PadonakMay 19.2013 — what is "AJAX Pagination"?
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@DestroauthorMay 19.2013 — For example, when you click to page navigation (next, previous, page number ...) AJAX will handle it instead of reload page.
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@ranitnathMay 15.2020 — Hey, did you find a solution to this issue?


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