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Event parameter in onclick function

In the first ‘Try it Yourself” example of the w3 tutorials
( See: [url]https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_tabs.asp[/url] )

The tab buttons are assigned an onclick function like this

<div class=”tab”>
<button class=”tablinks” onclick=”openCity(event, ‘London’)”>London</button>
<button class=”tablinks” onclick=”openCity(event, ‘Paris’)”>Paris</button>
<button class=”tablinks” onclick=”openCity(event, ‘Tokyo’)”>Tokyo</button>

I can not find a description of the ‘event’ attribute of the function
and I do not see it being used in the ‘openCity’ function being called.

function openCity(evt, cityName) {
// Declare all variables
var i, tabcontent, tablinks;

// Get all elements with class=”tabcontent” and hide them
tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName(“tabcontent”);
for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) {
tabcontent[i].style.display = “none”;

// Get all elements with class=”tablinks” and remove the class “active”
tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName(“tablinks”);
for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) {
tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(” active”, “”);

// Show the current tab, and add an “active” class to the button that opened the tab
document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = “block”;
evt.currentTarget.className += ” active”;

Could someone give me an explanation of how ‘event’ is being used by the function
or a reference that describes it use within the function?

Or how is is used elsewhere?
Does it relate somehow to the ‘this’ attributes of object functions?
I’m totally confused as to how it is being used in a function that does not seem to use it!

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@rootSep 11.2017 — Doesn't appear to be used at all, it might be just there because it was code used in an example that does use the event object.
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@JMRKERauthorSep 11.2017 — Seems my mis-understanding of the problem is related to the 'evt.currentTarget'

Looked at that for additional information and found event attributes of '.target' and '.currentTarget'

Further investigation lead to this blog.

See: http://www.qc4blog.com/?p=650

Addiitonally, I discovered that a class can be defined as part of an HTML tag.

Before this, I thought that the class had to be defined as a standalone definition, ie'
</i> .someClass { background-color: yellow; }
as opposed to
button.someClass { background-color: yellow; }

So much to discover and remember, so little time for both!. :eek:
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@rootSep 11.2017 — Yes, you can target HTML elements and also elements by their ID, so you can have a general CSS rule for DIV elements but when you have a div element with an ID tag that you want a special rule for, you can apply that rule to that DIV only or input, etc.
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@BugsByteDec 06.2019 — I found a video related to this which might help you to do it in easier manner.

link: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=javascript+tab

and I formated the resets on top and tab format on bottom so that it would be easier to understand like in below link



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