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vertically center with CSS

I am trying to make a card flip https://codepen.io/raul-rogojan/pen/OYNBXV?editors=1100
The problem is that I cant vertically center neither the card neither the text within the card.
I tried everything . Flex , grid , margin …

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@NogDogMay 10.2019 — [[58],[2,8]]
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@SempervivumMay 10.2019 — Flex is the best approach for aligning items vertically. The reason why it doesn't work for you is: You didn't specify a height for the inner container .back. Thus it adjusts it's height to the content inside, so that there is no space left for aligning. Set the height to 100% and everything will be fine:

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@codyhillauthorMay 11.2019 — @Sempervivum#1603580

Thank you alot !! Now I can center the text in the card but I cant center the card
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@codyhillauthorMay 11.2019 — @Sempervivum#1603580

I found a way ... I added this to the card container

perspective: 700;

position: absolute;

top: 50%;

left: 50%;

margin-right: -50%;

transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

display: flex;

align-items: center;

I dont know why it works but it does.

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@SempervivumMay 11.2019 — Good job! This is another common way of centering an object which is needed when it's positioned absolutely. However centering the card container can done by flex either:


In this case it's necessary again to set the size of the container, here to 100vh which is the height of the vieport.

BTW: For the 3D effect to work you only need to add a unit to the perspective:
.card-container {
perspective: 700px;
transform-style: preserve-3d;

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@codyhillauthorMay 12.2019 — @Sempervivum#1603596

Thank you so much !

this is the final version


The hover is a bit glitchy , is there a way I can fix it ?
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@SempervivumMay 12.2019 — The hover is a bit glitchy , is there a way I can fix it ?[/quote]
Try if adding the hover to .container fixes it:
.container:hover .card {
transform: rotateY(180deg);

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@codyhillauthorMay 12.2019 — @Sempervivum#1603612

thanks !


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