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how to select database column_name FROM table_name

this is a code

function insert_thumb($options)
global $config;

$vid = $options[‘vid’];
$thumb = $options[‘thumb’];
$description = $options[‘description’];

$thumbs = ($options[‘thumbs’] === 0) ? 20 : (int) $options[‘thumbs’];

$index = intval( ($vid – 1) / $config[‘max_thumb_folders’] );
$tmb_folder = ‘tmb’;
if ($index !== 0) {
$tmb_folder = ‘tmb’.$index;

$path = $config[‘BASE_URL’].’/media/videos/’.$tmb_folder.’/’.$vid;
$path_dir = $config[‘BASE_DIR’].’/media/videos/’.$tmb_folder.’/’.$vid;

$output = array();
$output[] = ‘<div class=”row”>’;
for ($i=1; $i<=$thumbs; $i++) {
$tmb = $path_dir.’/’.$i.’.jpg’;
if (file_exists($tmb) && is_file($tmb)) {
$class = ($thumb == $i) ? ‘tmb-active img-responsive’ : ‘tmb img-responsive’;
$output[] = ‘<div class=”col-xs-6 col-sm-3 m-b-10″>’;
$output[] = ‘<img src=”‘.$path.’/’.$i.’.jpg” id=”select_tmb_’ .$vid. ‘_’ .$i. ‘” class=”‘ .$class. ‘”>’;
$output[] = ‘</div>’;
$output[] = ‘</div>’;
return implode(“n”, $output);

i want to select database column_name
[upl-image-preview url=https://www.webdeveloper.com/assets/files/2019-06-16/1560695176-555264-capture2.png]
[upl-image-preview url=https://www.webdeveloper.com/assets/files/2019-06-16/1560695184-269655-capture11.png]
$tmb_folder we need to make description column_name select url

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9 Comments(s)

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@adityaauthorJun 16.2019 — full code is here


defined('_VALID') or die('Restricted Access!');

function insert_time_range( $options )


global $lang;

$range = NULL;
$time = $options['time'];
$current_time = time();
$interval = $current_time-$time;
if ( $interval > 0 ) {
$day = $interval/(60*60*24);
if ( $day >= 1 ) {
$range = floor($day).' '.$lang['global.days'];
$interval = $interval-(60*60*24*floor($day));
if( $interval > 0 && $range == '' ) {
$hour = $interval/(60*60);
if ( $hour >=1 ) {
$range = floor($hour). ' ' .$lang['global.hours'];
$interval = $interval-(60*60*floor($hour));
if ( $interval > 0 && $range == '' ) {
$min = $interval/(60);
if ( $min >= 1 ) {
$range=floor($min). ' '.$lang['global.minutes'];
if ( $interval > 0 && $range == '' ) {
$scn = $interval;
if ( $scn >= 1 ) {
$range = $scn. ' '.$lang['global.seconds'];

return ( $range != '' ) ? $range. ' '.$lang['global.ago'] : $lang['global.just_now'];


function insert_duration ( $options )


$duration_formated = NULL;

$duration = round($options['duration']);

if ( $duration > 3600 ) {

$hours = floor($duration/3600);

$duration_formated .= sprintf('%02d',$hours). ':';

$duration = round($duration-($hours*3600));


if ( $duration > 60 ) {

$minutes = floor($duration/60);

$duration_formated .= sprintf('%02d', $minutes). ':';

$duration = round($duration-($minutes*

} else {

$duration_formated .= '00:';


return $duration_formated . sprintf('%02d', $duration);

function insert_uid_to_username( $options )


global $conn;

$uid = intval($options['uid']);
$sql = "SELECT username FROM signup WHERE UID = " .$uid. " LIMIT 1";
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);

return $rs->fields['username'];


function insert_rating_small($options)


$rate = $options['rating'];

$class_1 = '';

$class_2 = '';

$class_3 = '';

$class_4 = '';

$class_5 = '';

if ( $rate > 0.5 ) {

$class_1 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 1 ) {

$class_1 = ' class="full"';


if ( $rate >= 2 ) {
$class_2 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 1.5 ) {
$class_2 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 3 ) {
$class_3 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 2.5 ) {
$class_3 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 4 ) {
$class_4 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 3.5 ) {
$class_4 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 5 ) {
$class_5 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 4.5 ) {
$class_5 = ' class="half"';

$output = array();
$output[] = '<ul class="rating_small">';
$output[] = '<li><span' .$class_5. '>&nbsp;</span></li>';
$output[] = '<li><span' .$class_4. '>&nbsp;</span></li>';
$output[] = '<li><span' .$class_3. '>&nbsp;</span></li>';
$output[] = '<li><span' .$class_2. '>&nbsp;</span></li>';
$output[] = '<li><span' .$class_1. '>&nbsp;</span></li>';
$output[] = '</ul>';

return implode("n", $output);


function insert_rating( $options )


$rate = $options['rating'];

$ratedby = $options['ratedby'];

$type = $options['type'];

$item_id = $options['item_id'];

$class_1 = '';

$class_2 = '';

$class_3 = '';

$class_4 = '';

$class_5 = '';

if ( $rate > 0.5 ) {
if ( $rate >= 1 ) {
$class_1 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 0.5 ) {
$class_1 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 2 ) {
$class_2 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 1.5 ) {
$class_2 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 3 ) {
$class_3 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 2.5 ) {
$class_3 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 4 ) {
$class_4 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 3.5 ) {
$class_4 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 5 ) {
$class_5 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 4.5 ) {
$class_5 = ' class="half"';

$output = array();
$output[] = '<ul id="rating_container_' .$type. '">';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="1 Star" id="star_' .$type. '_1_' .$item_id. '"' .$class_1. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="2 Stars" id="star_' .$type. '_2_' .$item_id. '"' .$class_2. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="3 Stars" id="star_' .$type. '_3_' .$item_id. '"' .$class_3. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="4 Stars" id="star_' .$type. '_4_' .$item_id. '"' .$class_4. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="5 Stars" id="star_' .$type. '_5_' .$item_id. '"' .$class_5. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '</ul>';

return implode("n", $output);


function insert_adv( $options )


global $conn, $config;

if ( $config['ads'] == '0' ) {
return false;

$adv = NULL;
$adv_group = $options['group'];
$sql = "SELECT advgrp_id, advgrp_rotate FROM adv_group
WHERE advgrp_name = " .$conn->qStr($adv_group). " AND advgrp_status = '1' LIMIT 1";
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() == 1 ) {
$adv_rotate = $rs->fields['advgrp_rotate'];
$adv_group = $rs->fields['advgrp_id'];
if ( $adv_rotate == '1' ) {
$sql = "SELECT adv_id, adv_text FROM adv WHERE adv_group = " .intval($adv_group). "
AND adv_status = '1' ORDER BY adv_addtime ASC";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT adv_id, adv_text FROM adv WHERE adv_group = " .intval($adv_group). "
AND adv_status = '1' LIMIT 1";

$rs = $conn->execute($sql);
if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() > 0 ) {
if ( $adv_rotate == '1' ) {
$advs = $rs->getrows();
$adv_count = count($advs)-1;
$random = rand(0, $adv_count);
$adv = $advs[$random]['adv_text'];
$adv_id = $advs[$random]['adv_id'];
} else {
$adv = $rs->fields['adv_text'];
$adv_id = $rs->fields['adv_id'];

$sql = "UPDATE adv SET adv_views = adv_views+1 WHERE adv_id = " .$adv_id. " LIMIT 1";

return $adv;


function insert_age( $options )


$birth_date = $options['bdate'];

$birth_expl = explode('-', $birth_date);

$year = $birth_expl['0'];

if ( $year != '0000' ) {

return date('Y')-$year;


return '';

function insert_is_subscribed( $options )


global $conn;

$uid = intval($options['UID']);
$suid = intval($options['SUID']);
$sql = "SELECT UID FROM video_subscribe WHERE UID = " .$uid. " AND SUID = " .$suid. " LIMIT 1";
if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() == 1 ) {
return true;

return false;


function insert_is_friend( $options )


global $conn;

$uid = intval($options['UID']);
$fid = intval($options['FID']);
$sql = "SELECT UID FROM friends WHERE UID = " .$uid. " AND FID = " .$fid. "
AND status = 'Confirmed' LIMIT 1";
if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() == 1 ) {
return true;

$sql = "SELECT UID FROM friends WHERE UID = " .$fid. " AND FID = " .$uid. "
AND status = 'Confirmed' LIMIT 1";
if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() == 1 ) {
return true;

return false;


function insert_requests_count( $options )


global $conn;

$uid = intval($options['UID']);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(UID) AS total_requests FROM friends WHERE UID = " .$uid;
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);

return $rs->fields['total_requests'];


function insert_mails_count( $options )


global $conn;

$username = $options['username'];
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(mail_id) AS total_mails FROM mail
WHERE receiver = " .$conn->qStr($username). " AND status = '1' AND readed = '0'";
$rs = $conn->execute($sql);

return $rs->fields['total_mails'];


function insert_is_blocked( $options )


global $conn;

$uid = intval($options['UID']);
$bid = intval($options['BID']);
$sql = "SELECT UID FROM users_blocks WHERE UID = " .$uid. " AND BID = " .$bid. " LIMIT 1";
if ( $conn->Affected_Rows() == 1 ) {
return true;

return false;


function insert_user_rating( $options )


$rate = $options['rating'];

$ratedby = $options['ratedby'];

$user_id = $options['UID'];

$class_1 = '';

$class_2 = '';

$class_3 = '';

$class_4 = '';

$class_5 = '';

if ( $rate > 0.5 ) {
if ( $rate >= 1 ) {
$class_1 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 0.5 ) {
$class_1 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 2 ) {
$class_2 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 1.5 ) {
$class_2 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 3 ) {
$class_3 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 2.5 ) {
$class_3 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 4 ) {
$class_4 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 3.5 ) {
$class_4 = ' class="half"';

if ( $rate >= 5 ) {
$class_5 = ' class="full"';
} elseif ( $rate >= 4.5 ) {
$class_5 = ' class="half"';

$output = array();
$output[] = '<ul id="rating_container_user">';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="1 Star" id="utar_user_1_' .$user_id. '"' .$class_1. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="2 Stars" id="utar_user_2_' .$user_id. '"' .$class_2. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="3 Stars" id="utar_user_3_' .$user_id. '"' .$class_3. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="4 Stars" id="utar_user_4_' .$user_id. '"' .$class_4. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '<li><a href="#" title="5 Stars" id="utar_user_5_' .$user_id. '"' .$class_5. '>&nbsp;</a></li>';
$output[] = '</ul>';

return implode("n", $output);


function insert_timer( $options )


$timer = VTimer::get($options['magic']);

return 'Rendered in ' .$timer['time']. ', using ' .bytes($timer['memory']). ' memory!';


function bytes($bytes)


$names = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB');

$count = 0;

while($bytes >= 1024) {

$bytes = $bytes/1024;



return number_format($bytes, ($count ? 2 : 0), ',', '.'). ' ' .$names[$count];

function insert_load_plugin( $options )


global $config;

$page = $options['page'];
$plugin = $options['plugin'];

if ( isset($config['plugin_' .$plugin]) && $config['plugin_' .$plugin] == '1' ) {
$plugin_file = $config['BASE_DIR']. '/plugins/'. $page. '_' .$plugin. '/' .$plugin. '.php';
if ( file_exists($plugin_file) ) {
$plugin_call = 'plugin_' .$page. '_' .$plugin;
if ( !function_exists($plugin_call) ) {
require $plugin_file;



function insert_thumb($options)


global $config;

$vid = $options['vid'];
$thumb = $options['thumb'];
$description = $options['description'];

$thumbs = ($options['thumbs'] === 0) ? 20 : (int) $options['thumbs'];

$index = intval( ($vid - 1) / $config['max_thumb_folders'] );
$tmb_folder = 'tmb';
if ($index !== 0) {
$tmb_folder = 'tmb'.$index;

$path = $config['BASE_URL'].'/media/videos/'.$tmb_folder.'/'.$vid;
$path_dir = $config['BASE_DIR'].'/media/videos/'.$tmb_folder.'/'.$vid;

$output = array();
$output[] = '<div class="row">';
for ($i=1; $i<=$thumbs; $i++) {
$tmb = $path_dir.'/'.$i.'.jpg';
if (file_exists($tmb) && is_file($tmb)) {
$class = ($thumb == $i) ? 'tmb-active img-responsive' : 'tmb img-responsive';
$output[] = '<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3 m-b-10">';
$output[] = '<img src="'.$path.'/'.$i.'.jpg" id="select_tmb_' .$vid. '_' .$i. '" class="' .$class. '">';
$output[] = '</div>';
$output[] = '</div>';
return implode("n", $output);


function insert_thumb_path($options)


global $config;

$vid = $options['vid'];
$index = intval( ($vid - 1) / $config['max_thumb_folders'] );
$tmb_folder = 'tmb';
if ($index !== 0) {
$tmb_folder = 'tmb'.$index;

$output = $config['BASE_URL'].'/media/videos/'.$tmb_folder.'/'.$vid;

return $output;


function insert_thumb_adm($options)


global $config;

$vid = $options['vid'];
$thumb = $options['thumb'];

$index = intval( ($vid - 1) / $config['max_thumb_folders'] );
$tmb_folder = 'tmb';
if ($index !== 0) {
$tmb_folder = 'tmb'.$index;
$path = $config['BASE_URL'].'/media/videos/'.$tmb_folder.'/'.$vid;
$path_dir = $config['BASE_DIR'].'/media/videos/'.$tmb_folder.'/'.$vid;

$output = array();

$tmb = $path_dir.'/'.$thumb.'.jpg';
$tmb_url = $path.'/'.$thumb.'.jpg';
$tmb_url_def = $config['BASE_URL'].'/media/videos/tmb/default.jpg';
if (file_exists($tmb) && is_file($tmb)) {
return $tmb_url;
} else {
return $tmb_url_def;


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@adityaauthorJun 16.2019 — $path = $config['BASE_URL'].'/media/videos/'.$tmb_folder.'/'.$vid;

this is not good because tmb_folder store many file in c penal i want prevent so i was insert url in description column_name and i want to use select from videos description and make $tmb_folder

all image import my cpenal account

like in php7 $output[] = '<img src="'.$path.'/'.$i.'.jpg" id="select_tmb_' .$vid. '_' .$i. '" class="' .$class. '">';

url [upl-image-preview url=https://www.webdeveloper.com/assets/files/2019-06-16/1560695809-482951-capture5.png]

output of html code well be like in this way i will show of my website source code

i need to select description because i will change image

but how to select description in php 7 and i need to use external url image.

please give hits

see line number : function insert_thumb($options)

and how we select database to show external url
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@ginerjmJun 16.2019 — huh???
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@MPMJun 17.2019 — my reaction exactly ginerjm

aditja maybe introduce the problem in 50 words or less - what can't you do?
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@adityaauthorJun 17.2019 — @MPM#1604862 hello sir my question is here https://www.webdeveloper.com/d/384928-how-to-select-description-using-vid/3
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@adityaauthorJun 17.2019 — @ginerjm#1604827 my question is here short explain https://www.webdeveloper.com/d/384928-how-to-select-description-using-vid/3
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@ginerjmJun 17.2019 — We like it (here) when people actually ask for what they need. AND show us the code that they may have written already and need help with!
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@adityaauthorJun 17.2019 — @ginerjm#1604827 how to select database https://www.webdeveloper.com/d/384928-how-to-select-description-using-vid/3
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@ginerjmJun 17.2019 — I am giving you the same answer here that I just gave you in your other topic. Please don't cross-post!


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