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Sending mail via PHP

I’ve been hired to fix a broken website and the mail function isn’t working.
Here is the code:
` if ($_POST[“Email”]!=””) {
$message = <<<EOF
Thanks for registering…bla bla bla.
$from = “[email protected]”;
$to = $_POST[“Email”];
$subject = “Registration”;
$headers = <<<EOF
From: {$from}
Reply-To: {$from}
X-Mailer: Website.co.uk-Registration-{$_SERVER[“REMOTE_ADDR”]}:{$_SERVER[“REMOTE_PORT”]}

I don’t know if it is the X-Mailer line in the header which is not working. In PHP examples I’ve read, that line isn’t present, what exactly is it doing?

Thanks in advance!

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11 Comments(s)

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@ginerjmJun 17.2019 — Usually headers are written with a newline between each line. MIght be simpler to just place the text into a var instead of the heredocs usage.

As for xmailer - i have never had to use it. But I do know that you have to use a from address that is from your own domain.

BTW - how do you know you have a problem anyway?
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@TigjawauthorJun 17.2019 — @ginerjm#1604840

Thank you, I will try using a var instead.

I registered and didn't receive an email, so there does seem to be a problem. I just can't figure out what it might be. I'm quite new to web development, learning as I go, and the code snippet looks fine to me.
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@ginerjmJun 17.2019 — This is a sample of how I include headers in my emails. While using the PHPMailer package is a much better email method, since you are new and using the php mail function you can continue to experiment with it. Try this for building your header:
</i> $headers = "From: $from_addr " . "rn" .
"Reply-To: $reply_addr" . "rn" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

I see here that I have used x-mailer in the past. No idea what it really does. Note the concatenation used to build the string and the CR/LF separating each piece.
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@NogDogJun 17.2019 — IIRC, the mail protocol likes a carriage-return/new-line sequence between headers, so you might want to try:
</i>$headers = "From: {$from}rnReply-To: {$from}rnX-Mailer: Website.co.uk-Registration-{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}:{$_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT']}";
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@adityaJun 17.2019 — @ginerjm#1604865 can you give answer https://www.webdeveloper.com/d/384928-how-to-select-description-using-vid
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@ginerjmJun 17.2019 — Does that have ANYTHING to do with this current topic? If not, then NO.
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@adityaJun 17.2019 — @ginerjm#1604883 you have not understand what i am telling or you have not sql knowledge.
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@ginerjmJun 17.2019 — I think that you do not understand how forums work.

If we wanted to work on some other topic we would go to that topic instead of coming to this one.
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@TigjawauthorJun 19.2019 — @NogDog#1604869


I will try those out, thank you both. I'll let you know how I get on. Perhaps it is a problem with using heredoc since you both avoid it.
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@ginerjmJun 19.2019 — It is just an odd place to use the heredocs construct. That is usually more applicable when outputting a large block of html code, not for building a string in php code.
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@TigjawauthorJun 25.2019 — Just wanted to say thank you for the help! The email is now working :)


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