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Why does var_dump return null?

I have 2 json objects that looks exactly the same but with different data. var_dumping one of them returns null while print_r works fine. Why is that so?
the other json-object works fine with both print_r and var_dump.
I think the problem is the data of one of the objects but i still dont get what the specific problem is


ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);

$url = “”;
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);

$json = json_encode($xml);
$array = json_decode($json,true);

$obj = (object) [
‘data’ => [


$obj = json_encode($obj);
$obj = json_decode($obj, true);

$obj[‘data’][0] = [ (object) [
‘place’ => ”,
‘events’ => []]];

$obj = json_encode($obj);
$obj = json_decode($obj, true);

for($i=0; $i<$size; $i++){

gather the data

$obj[‘data’][0][0][‘events’][$i] = (object) [
‘starts’=> $starts,
‘ends’ => $ends,
‘info’ => $info

$obj = json_encode($obj);
var_dump(json_decode($obj, true));

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4 Comments(s)

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@ginerjmAug 11.2019 — You might not be able to use var_dump on a function? Just try dumping $obj alone. Or save the decode output into another var and then dump that.
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@NogDogAug 12.2019 — Sounds like $obj is null due to the preceding

</i>$obj = json_encode($obj);
$obj = json_decode($obj, true);<i>
Why do you keep doing this? All it does is try to turn the array $obj into a JSON string, and then then immediate turn it back into an array.

The <C>
var_dump()</C> is probably saying "null" because for some reason at that point <C>$obj</C> is not a valid JSON string. so you need to do some dumping earlier to find out where it's not working.
</i>23:48 $ php -a
Interactive shell

php &gt; $foo = "this is not JSON";
php &gt; var_dump(json_decode($foo, true));
php &gt; $bar = '{"test":"This is valid JSON"}';
php &gt; var_dump(json_decode($bar, true));
array(1) {
string(18) "This is valid JSON"
php &gt;<i>
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@bbq1authorAug 12.2019 — @NogDog#1607472 var_dump seems to work before the for-loop. I took a look at all the data in the objekt and found a �. Thats probably whats creating the problem, isnt it?
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@NogDogAug 12.2019 — Possible...json_encode() might be choking on it. Maybe try adding the constant JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE as the 2nd parameter to json_encode()?
</i>$obj = json_encode($obj, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);


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