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due date reached send auto mail

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hi friends
i have create Equipment Calibration tracker web tool
i have create due date reached send auto mail program using php and mysql but not working
kindly help me .this my code


$currentDate = date(‘Y-m-d’); //this will get the current date

$remind_query1 = “SELECT * FROM addequ WHERE edate = ‘$currentDate’ “; //Sql query to find users that reminders dates match current date.

if($run1 = $dbcon->query($remind_query1))
$rows = $run1->num_rows;

for ($j = 0; $j < $rows; ++$j)//loop through each user in results and send a reminder email.
$row = $run1->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);

$to = “[email protected]”; //gets the user email address
$subject = “Equipment Calibration Reminder”;
$message = “Hi “.$row[‘slno’].”n “.$row[‘ename’].” n Experied in “.$row[‘edate’].” n need to Calibrate here”;
$headers = “[email protected]”;



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@NogDogDec 04.2019 — First thing I'd do is add the following after the if() block in case it did not execute:
else {
// do something more user-friendly, but for now...
echo "&lt;pre&gt;IF failed:n".var_export($run1, 1)."&lt;/pre&gt;";

It would probably also help for now to make sure you're seeing all errors/warnings:
ini_set('display_errors', true); // set to false in production

// rest of code...


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