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show if checkbox is checked in edit page

how to show multiple checkboxes checked in Core PHP Edit Page:

ps: array data

`<div class=”controls controls-row”>
$tenses = mysqli_query($conn, “SELECT * from tenses”);
if(sizeof($tenses) > 0)
foreach($tenses as $tens)
<div class=”span3″ style=”margin-left:30px;”>
<label class=”checkbox-inline”><input type=”checkbox” name=”tenses[]” value=”<?php echo $tens[‘pktenseid’]; ?>”> <?php echo $tens[‘tense_name’]; ?></label></div>

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@ginerjmJan 17.2020 — Hard to tell what your question is here. Are you asking how one "checks" a box on the display of a page? Or are you asking how you determine if the box is checked when you receive your post-ed data from the client?
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@jasmine381authorJan 17.2020 — @ginerjm#1613270 I just want to show checkedboxes those already selected in Edit page
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@jasmine381authorJan 17.2020 — <label class="checkbox-inline"><input type="checkbox" name="tenses[]" value="<?php echo $tens['pktenseid']; ?>"

<?php if(in_array($tens['tense_name'],$tensesarr)) { echo "checked"; } ?> > <?php echo $tens['tense_name']; ?>


When i use this code it shows all checkboxes checked in the Edit page?? I want to show only select checkboxes???
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@NachfolgerJan 18.2020 — @jasmine381#1613275

Please use the proper formatting blocks (E.g. [ code ]) when pasting code, it makes it incredibly hard to decipher your code without it.

Moving onto your problem, I don't see why you're using in_array for this, and you have provided **zero** context to allow us to even provide a valid solution. How are we supposed to know when it IS or IS NOT checked?

</i>&lt;!-- Checkbox Container --&gt;
&lt;label class="checkbox-inline"&gt;
&lt;!-- Checkbox Element --&gt;
&lt;input type="checkbox" name="tenses[]" value="&lt;?php echo $tens['pktenseid']; ?&gt;" checked="&lt;?php echo $tens['checked'] == 1 ? "true" : "false" ?&gt;" /&gt;
&lt;!-- Checkbox Label --&gt;
&lt;?php echo $tens['tense_name']; ?&gt;

As you can see, I've just provided a simple evaluation to allow you to expand on. Does the $tens array contain a property which specifies if it's checked or not? Again, we don't know.

PS, I don't see the value in closing and opening the PHP tags constantly. Just use the foreach loop and echo out the result input element as a string. It's not a serious performance issue, but it creates ugly code and becomes harder to maintain.
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@jasmine381authorJan 18.2020 — this shows all values checked
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@NachfolgerJan 18.2020 — @jasmine381#1613295

Yes I know that, but you aren’t understanding what I’m telling you and I have no idea how to articulate this any further. Read my post again.

You have given us NO means to know WHEN IT SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be checked.
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@ginerjmJan 18.2020 — It seems to me that the problem is the if check on the contents of your $tensearr variable. That is what is setting the checkbox. Debug that and you wouldn't need our help.

Below I provide my version of your spaghetti code:
</i>echo '&lt;label class="checkbox-inline"&gt;';
echo '&lt;input type="checkbox" name="tenses[]" value="' . $tens['pktenseid'] . "'";
echo "checked"; <br/>
echo '&gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;' . $tens['tense_name'];
echo '&lt;/label&gt;';


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