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Multiple Sites for Same Domain

Website A is the main website with hundreds of pages. Website B contains 8 replacement (promotional) pages and should be live for a few months. Website B homepage should replace Website A homepage for this period. All the pages except the 8 replacement pages should be available online. Website B will contain links to subpages of Website A.

Website A currently on Sharepoint 2010 and Website B will be WordPress – these can live on the same server or different servers.

Is it possible to have the DNS point to the homepage of Website B while the webpages of Website A is still accessible. When the user types in www.example.com they should no longer land on the homepage of Website A but on the homepage of Website B. If they click on the links on homepage Website B they should be able to access the relevant pages on Website A.

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@UnderdogFeb 27.2020 — Hi,

As soon as you change the DNS to point to website B you won't be able to access website A using the same domain name. So all of those links will return a 404.

You need to be very careful here as you could create a bad headache for yourself with regards to SEO. You should decide on a platform the proceed with and migrate all the posts to one platform. For example, if you wanted to proceed with WordPress, migrate all of your posts into WordPress and replace website A with the new Website B permanently.

You can then set the current homepage to draft and replace with your new homepage, same with the other pages.

I'm sure there is a way to do what you first mentioned. But I could see it wrecking your SEO and potentially creating some redirect loops etc.
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@techiegirlauthorFeb 27.2020 — Thank you
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@NogDogFeb 27.2020 — Might be able to do it via the Apache (or other web server) config, e.g. using Apache's mod_rewrite in a .htaccess file to redirect certain URLs to the desired pages.


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