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Canvas undo function

Hello guys. I have code for drawing on a canvas. Code working but cannot figure out how to add undo function.
Thank you for any help.

//Drawing canvas

var canvas, stage;
var drawingCanvas;
var oldPt;
var oldMidPt;
var color;
var stroke;
var index;

function init() {
if (window.top != window) {
document.getElementById(“header”).style.display = “none”;
canvas = document.getElementById(“canvas”);
index = 0;

//check to see if we are running in a browser with touch support
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
stage.autoClear = false;


drawingCanvas = new createjs.Shape();

stage.addEventListener(“stagemousedown”, handleMouseDown);
stage.addEventListener(“stagemouseup”, handleMouseUp);


function stop() {}

function handleMouseDown(event) {
color = $(‘#selColor’).val();
stroke = document.getElementById(“selWidth”).value;
oldPt = new createjs.Point(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);
oldMidPt = oldPt;
stage.addEventListener(“stagemousemove” , handleMouseMove);

function handleMouseMove(event) {
var midPt = new createjs.Point(oldPt.x + stage.mouseX>>1, oldPt.y+stage.mouseY>>1);

drawingCanvas.graphics.clear().setStrokeStyle(stroke, ’round’, ’round’).beginStroke(color).moveTo(midPt.x, midPt.y).curveTo(oldPt.x, oldPt.y, oldMidPt.x, oldMidPt.y);

oldPt.x = stage.mouseX;
oldPt.y = stage.mouseY;

oldMidPt.x = midPt.x;
oldMidPt.y = midPt.y;


function handleMouseUp(event) {
stage.removeEventListener(“stagemousemove” , handleMouseMove);

function clearArea() {
// Use the identity matrix while clearing the canvas
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);

function UndoDraw() {

// hire i need undo code

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5 Comments(s)

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@SempervivumMar 15.2020 — Check if this helps you:

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@AhmoauthorMar 15.2020 — @Sempervivum#1616132

</i>function UndoDraw() {



How to implant foreach loop for this code?
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@SempervivumMar 15.2020 — If I read your code correctly, there is only one drawingCanvas object, thus forEach would be not applicable.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with easejs but you might try the following procedure:
  • - Create a new shape or drawingCanvas on mousedown and enter it to an array.

  • - Perform all actions in onmousemove on this shape.

  • - When undoing remove the last shape in the array.
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    @AhmoauthorMar 15.2020 — Ok. thank you for you time.
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    @teskleinMar 23.2020 — Thank you very much for your help. Its [myloweslife](https://myloweslife.onl/) really useful.


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