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Notice : Undefined index: id line 4

Hello, I am in a problem and it is that it appears to me that I have indefinite id , I have actually been able to solve it. I give you my code waiting for advice. Thank you


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23 Comments(s)

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@ginerjmMar 25.2020 — Since your error message tells you the line number how about posting the code from that area right here? Maybe 20-30 lines at most? Maybe the real error message as well?
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@NachfolgerMar 25.2020 — Your GitHub repository is private, no one but you can see the code. I'm also confused, you said you HAVE been able to solve it, so do you still need help?
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@ginerjmMar 25.2020 — I think the OP is gone. I answered right after he posted and haven't heard back
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@jdvdauthorMar 26.2020 — Notice

: Undefined index: id in


on line



$consulta = ConsultarCuenta($_GET['id']);

function ConsultarCuenta($id){

include 'conexion.php';

$sentencia ="SELECT * FROM cuenta WHERE id='$id'";

$resultado = $conexion->query($sentencia);

$fila = $resultado->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

return [




$fila['fecha_de_vencimiento de pago'],







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@ginerjmMar 26.2020 — And WHICH is line 4? I'm going to guess it's the line with the $_GET which means you either aren't going a GET or you didn't define a field name of 'id'.
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@jdvdauthorMar 26.2020 — if that's the eror, I send that varible by the get, look at the code

<td><a class="gestionarm" href="modificar.php?id='.$fila['id'].'">Modificar</td>
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@ginerjmMar 26.2020 — Too many quotes. The parm needs to be broken out with double quotes and NOT have any quotes surrounding it. Try building the actual value use the fila value and put that var in the href
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@jdvdauthorMar 26.2020 — already coregi and still shows me the same error, you don't have another method ?
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@jdvdauthorMar 26.2020 — @Nachfolger#1616623 https://github.com/jdvd2431/codigo-problema.git
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@NogDogMar 26.2020 — This would not be the final code I'd want to deploy, but for some quick debugging, let's get all defensive-coding about it:
ini_set('display_errors', true);

if(empty($_GET['id'])) {
die("&lt;pre&gt;ERROR: 'id' not set.&lt;/pre&gt;");

$consulta = ConsultarCuenta($_GET['id']);
if($consulta == false) {
die("&lt;pre&gt;Nothing returned by query&lt;/pre&gt;");

function ConsultarCuenta($id)
require 'conexion.php'; // it's not optional, so <span><code>require</code></span> it
$sentencia = "SELECT * FROM cuenta WHERE id='$id'";
$resultado = $conexion-&gt;query($sentencia);
if($resultado == false) {
die("&lt;pre&gt;QUERY ERROR:n".print_r($conexion-&gt;errorInfo(), true)."nQuery:n$$sentencia&lt;/pre&gt;");
$fila = $resultado-&gt;fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $fila;

My wild guess is that cuenta.id is an integer, not a string, in which case it should not be quoted in the SQL. This is where using prepared statements can automate some of that for you while sanitizing the inputs.:
</i>function ConsultarCuenta($id)
require 'conexion.php'; // it's not optional, so <span><code>require</code></span> it
$sentencia = "SELECT * FROM cuenta WHERE id = :id";
$stmt = $conexion-&gt;prepare($sentencia);
if($stmt == false) {
die("&lt;pre&gt;INVALID QUERY:n".print_r($conexion-&gt;errorInfo())."nSQL:n$sentencia&lt;/pre&gt;");
$resultado = $stmt-&gt;execute($stmt, array('id' =&gt; $id));
if($resultado == false) {
die("&lt;pre&gt;QUERY ERROR:n".print_r($stmt-&gt;errorInfo(), true)."nQuery:n$$sentencia&lt;/pre&gt;");
$fila = $resultado-&gt;fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $fila;

(Warning: all code is untested.)
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@ginerjmMar 26.2020 — Show us your corrected code please. Work with us.
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@jdvdauthorMar 27.2020 — already correji the code


ini_set('display_errors', true);<br/>

if(empty($_GET['id'])) {<br/>
die("&lt;pre&gt;ERROR: 'id' not set.&lt;/pre&gt;");<br/>

$consulta = ConsultarCuenta($_GET['id']);<br/>
if($consulta == false) {<br/>
die("&lt;pre&gt;Nothing returned by query&lt;/pre&gt;");<br/>

function ConsultarCuenta($id)<br/>
require 'conexion.php'; // it's not optional, so <C>
require</C> it<br/>
$sentencia = "SELECT * FROM cuenta WHERE id='$id'";<br/>
$resultado = $conexion-&gt;query($sentencia);<br/>
if($resultado == false) {<br/>
die("&lt;pre&gt;QUERY ERROR:n".print_r($conexion-&gt;errorInfo(), true)."nQuery:n$$sentencia&lt;/pre&gt;");<br/>
$fila = $resultado-&gt;fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);<br/>
return $fila;<br/>

in the spaces of the inputs I came out undifinedibleible and already
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@ginerjmMar 27.2020 — I think the better approach should be

if (!isset($_GET['id']))

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@jdvdauthorMar 27.2020 — I was proving and I gave the modficar button and I died the page
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@ginerjmMar 27.2020 — huh?
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@jdvdauthorMar 27.2020 — I put if (! isset ($GET ['id'])) and the page also died
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@ginerjmMar 27.2020 — Died? With no error message? If you are going to work with us you HAVE to give us more information. Or did you mean the page did not run at all? In that case SHOW us the revised code with this change in it. PLEASE!!!
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@jdvdauthorMar 27.2020 — look use this code and the only error that was medium in the inputs part Notice: Undefined variable: query in <b>C:-xampp-htdocs-Project-html-accounts-query c-manage-modify.php</b> online 600

when I click the page button he sends me this message 'ERROR: 'id' not set'.

> @NogDog#1616634


ini_set('display_errors', true);


if (!isset ($_GET ['id'])){

die("<pre>ERROR: 'id' not set.</pre>");


$consulta = ConsultarCuenta($_GET['id']);

if($consulta == false) {

die("<pre>Nothing returned by query</pre>");


function ConsultarCuenta($id)


require 'conexion.php'; // it's not optional, so require it

$sentencia = "SELECT * FROM cuenta WHERE id='$id'";

$resultado = $conexion->query($sentencia);

if($resultado == false) {

die("<pre>QUERY ERROR:n".print_r($conexion->errorInfo(), true)."nQuery:n$$sentencia</pre>");


$fila = $resultado->fetch();

return $fila;


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@jdvdauthorMar 27.2020 — line 60
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@ginerjmMar 27.2020 — So show us line 60 and the lines just prior to it. Help Us Help You!
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@jdvdauthorMar 28.2020 —  Id de Cuenta&lt;input type="text" name="cuenta" value="&lt;?php echo $consulta[1]; ?&gt;" placeholder="id de cuenta"&gt;
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@jdvdauthorMar 28.2020 — the code above the previous code

&lt;?php if (!empty($errores)): ?&gt;<br/>
&lt;div class="alert error"&gt;<br/>
&lt;?php echo $errores; ?&gt; <br/>
&lt;?php endif ?&gt;

<i> </i><CODE>&lt;/div&gt;
<i> </i> &lt;?php if (!empty($succes)):?&gt;
<i> </i> &lt;div class="alert succes"&gt;
<i> </i> &lt;?php echo $succes;?&gt;
<i> </i> &lt;/div&gt;
<i> </i> &lt;?php endif ?&gt;</CODE>
<i> </i>
&lt;input type="hidden" id="id" name="id" value="&lt;?php echo $id; ?&gt;"&gt;
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@ginerjmMar 28.2020 — <input type="hidden" id="id" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>">`

This line appears to be your problem line since it references the variable $id. Which can't be echo'ed here since it apparently doesn't exist.


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