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Why if(!mysqli_prepare($conn,$query) Fails ?

Php Folks,

Why this one doesn’t work …

//Close Connection.
die(“<pre>Mysqli Prepare Failed!n”.mysqli_prepare($conn,$query).”n</pre>”);

While this one does ….

$stmt = mysqli_prepare($conn,$sql_query);
if($stmt == False)
//Close Connection.
die(“<pre>Mysqli Prepare Failed!n”.mysqli_stmt_error($stmt).”n$sql_query</pre>”);

Pretty much the same aren’t they ?
First one my own code.
Second one suggested by NogDog, if I remember correctly.

For some reason, php gives no response to this line:


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3 Comments(s)

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@NogDogMay 30.2020 — Well...it's missing a closing ) for one thing. Also, since you're not assigning the result to anything, you'll be unable to do anything with it after that.
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@developer_webauthorMay 31.2020 — @NogDog#1618976

Thanks. I fixed it. But that wasn't the original problem why that code wasn't working. However, I failed to reproduce the error this time.

New problem now NogDog.

I can't remember what I changed last night that is making the following code malfunctioning. Can you see if you can spot any typos ?

Continuing here now ...

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@NogDogMay 31.2020 — > @developer_web#1618988 I can't remember what I changed last night that is making the following code malfunctioning.

A good reason to use Git or another software versioning solution.

Also a good reason to modularize your code into concise, focused functions instead of mutli-hundred line files of stream-of-consciousness code.


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