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How do I transform the content of this array?

Hi! How do I transform the first array of scores into the second one? Rather than having a list of score object, I’d like to get a list of user objects. Each user object must have username and difficultyLevels properties, with the latter grouping the scores by difficulty.

const scoresList = [
scoredBy: {
username: ‘sleekcollins’
scoreValue: 14,
difficultyLevel: ‘easy’,
scoredBy: {
username: ‘sleekcollins’
scoreValue: 18,
difficultyLevel: ‘easy’,
scoredBy: {
username: ‘sleekcollins’
scoreValue: 24,
difficultyLevel: ‘hard’,
scoredBy: {
username: ‘aaronrodgers’
scoreValue: 32,
difficultyLevel: ‘medium’,
scoredBy: {
username: ‘patmahomes’
scoreValue: 20,
difficultyLevel: ‘expert’,
scoredBy: {
username: ‘patmahomes’
scoreValue: 17,
difficultyLevel: ‘easy’,

const scoresByUser = [
username: ‘sleekcollins’,
difficultyLevels: [
difficulty: ‘easy’,
scores: [14, 18]
difficulty: ‘medium’,
scores: []
difficulty: ‘hard’,
scores: [24]
difficulty: ‘expert’,
scores: []
username: ‘aaronrodgers’,
difficultyLevels: [
difficulty: ‘easy’,
scores: [0]
difficulty: ‘medium’,
scores: [32]
difficulty: ‘hard’,
scores: []
difficulty: ‘expert’,
scores: []
username: ‘patmahomes’,
difficultyLevels: [
difficulty: ‘easy’,
scores: [17]
difficulty: ‘medium’,
scores: []
difficulty: ‘hard’,
scores: []
difficulty: ‘expert’,
scores: [20]

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@daveyerwinJun 19.2020 — ``<i>
"use strict";

function Obj(username){
this.username = username;
this.difficultyLevels = [];
this.difficultyLevels.push({difficulty: 'easy', scores:[]});
this.difficultyLevels.push({difficulty: 'medium', scores:[]});
this.difficultyLevels.push({difficulty: 'hard', scores:[]});
this.difficultyLevels.push({difficulty: 'expert', scores:[]});

const scoresList = [
scoredBy: {
username: 'sleekcollins'
scoreValue: 14,
difficultyLevel: 'easy',
scoredBy: {
username: 'sleekcollins'
scoreValue: 18,
difficultyLevel: 'easy',
scoredBy: {
username: 'sleekcollins'
scoreValue: 24,
difficultyLevel: 'hard',
scoredBy: {
username: 'aaronrodgers'
scoreValue: 32,
difficultyLevel: 'medium',
scoredBy: {
username: 'patmahomes'
scoreValue: 20,
difficultyLevel: 'expert',
scoredBy: {
username: 'patmahomes'
scoreValue: 17,
difficultyLevel: 'easy',
var username = [];
var scoresByUser = [];
var obj,obj1,obj2,name;
for(let i=0;i&lt;scoresList.length;i++){
scoresByUser.push(new Obj(name))
for(let i=0;i&lt;scoresByUser.length;i++){
obj = scoresByUser[i];
if(obj.username == name)break;
for(let i=0;i&lt;obj.difficultyLevels.length;i++){
obj2 = obj.difficultyLevels[i];
if(obj1.difficultyLevel == obj2.difficulty)break;


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