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How this would work? (xml rss feed into database with html JS only)

I’m looking at building a website which displays rss feeds. This is relatively straightforward and within my skillset. However the next stage involves storing each feed into a database, comparing the conditions of each feed with another database, and then displaying relevant data, and this is where i need some guidance on how it would work conceptually, and what the options are. I understand there are different ways of doing everything, but how would you approach this as a developer?

First the limitations. No PHP/ SQL (I’m using Wix to build the site)

Rss feed is fed to the site via xml
xml data needs to be displayed (resolved this already) and also read, and added into a database
Data is then compared to another database to check for matches in parts of the feed and then
called from this database depending on conditions and displayed in a table elsewhere on the page/ site

How difficult is this to do for a relative novice (basic javascript only) and if it’s a pro job, how big a project is it and would they work with a Wix site?

Many thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer.

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@daveyerwinJul 04.2020 — @city_light#1620238 said ...

and also read, and added into a database

where is this data base ?

@city_light#1620238 said ...

Data is then compared to another database

where is this other data base ?
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@NogDogJul 04.2020 — A database pretty much means you need some sort of server-side programming, so the only way you could do it with "JS only" would be if you set up a NodeJS back end on the server. I know nothing about Wix, so have no idea what they might provide for implementing server-side applications.
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@city_lightauthorJul 04.2020 — @NogDog#1620241 Thanks. This was my concern. That Wix is more front end and server side won't be possible.

Sorry to divert the original question, but the alternative could be to scan rss feeds as they come in and compare against one of the content tables (databases?) on the site and then display a result.

For example, rss feed comes in for a brand name which matches a list in a content table (database) elsewhere, and I want to then display the brand name and 1 point (for each article) in the new table. Is that something which could be done in Javascript?
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@NachfolgerJul 05.2020 — @city_light#1620242

Wix, Weebly, Shopify --- All of these brand names should make you laugh. All except the latter offer a very restricted development platform and outdated templates to work with.

Moving on, you _can't_ have a frontend based database, that's not how things work. You can build a external site and use it as an API to fetch the RSS recommendations, but then if that's a technical option, you wouldn't be on Wix. All of this is a giant waste of time, why are you building something like a RSS feed with Wix anyway?

Two points I want to make real quick,

#1. Yes, javascript databases do exist (Web SQL, IndexedDB).. But they aren't global, they work exactly how every other JS application works--As a single instance on the client's device

And #2
> @city_light#1620242 That Wix is more front end and server side won't be possible.

I understand the point you're making here, Wix only offers you frontend editing access, but Wix is bloated with tons of backend BS. If you think you're being served a static HTML file, you're far from correct. I hope my post has made this clear... Website builders are a JOKE.


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