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How to scroll to anchor using “window.location.href”?

I’m having some problems with a simple task. I have a popup on a WordPress page, which is an element without an id. I need to take the user to a certain location on the same page when it clicks it.

The popup uses the method “window.location.href” to redirect the user. For some reason, if I define it as an anchor, it just doesn’t work. I tried several things (different hashes and syntax combinations, tried to select the popup using ClassName[0] and then setting on an id, so that it can manages its onclick), but nothing worked.

The popup is generated/managed through a plugin (Ninja Popups), so it’s not something I’d really wanted to mess with…

Is there any way to make the method “window.location.href” work with an anchor? I can insert some JS, I just can’t modify the system or the plugin itself.

Here is the link if you want to check by yourselves: https://quintaldoespeto.com.br/

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@VITSUSAJul 28.2020 — You can do it but more pop-ups will not helpful to you :)


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