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Is this htaccess code correct

WORDPRESS : 5.4.2 / MY PHP : 7.4.8 / SERVER : APACHE / MYSQL : 5. 7. 28 / HOSTING : 1&1 IONOS (on sharing, mutual hosting) / PROTOCOLE SSL : ENABLE

Hi everyone!
I try to build my website for make social actions,I’m beginner in web development, i would like a people check my .htacces

My domain look like https://xxxxxx-xxxxx.fr i have redirection for people come in https://www.xxxxxx-xxxxx.fr (I want keep this configuration www.xxxxxxx-xxxxx.fr for endpoint)

I have replace my url website by : https://www.xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.fr/ for privacy If you need my url website I can send it to you in a private message.


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Thank so much for your help
Wishing you a good day.

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