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How to delete the content values of all elements?

How can I most easily delete all values of all <name>…..</name> elements of a certain *.xml file?

the <name> element tags should be kept.

A command line tool and command would be preferred rather than a GUI based tool.

The <name> elements contain only value and no further nested elements.

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6 Comments(s)

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@SempervivumSep 21.2020 — Would a powershell script be OK for your?
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@psteinauthorSep 25.2020 — Yes, that would be fine.

Do you have one?
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@SempervivumSep 25.2020 — Not yet. Some time ago I had a similar task. I'm going to dig out that script and modify it according to your requirement ...
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@SempervivumSep 25.2020 — Done. This script processes all xml file recursively. If this is not requested we have to adjust it a bit.
# Get all xml files
$files = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.xml -File -Recurse
ForEach ($file in $files) {
# Read xml from file
$xml = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName
# empty name tags
$xml = $xml -Replace "&lt;name&gt;.*?&lt;/name&gt;", "&lt;name&gt;&lt;/name&gt;"
# Write-Host $xml
# Write xml back to file
Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Value $xml
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
You know how to run the powershell script?

Don't forget to backup your original xml files in case the script doesn't work as expected.
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@psteinauthorSep 27.2020 — Ok, thank you.

I will check it.

My initial question was only simplified
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@VITSUSASep 28.2020 — @pstein#1623689 Have you got the solution?


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