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WordPress says WPconf not writable, Filezilla says it is. HOW?

if I knew how to post an image on this forum I would…

really simple SSL says it can not write wpconfig but through FTP accessed and clicked on properties, it says writable checked.

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@NogDogNov 19.2020 — Most likely your WordPress scripts are being executed by the web server user account (typically "apache" or "nobody" if running Apache), not your personal login or FTP account. Therefore, you need to ensure that the web server user has the necessary access.
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@noobforwebauthorNov 19.2020 — @NogDog#1625175 hello, I figured out what was wrong and it is weird... really simple SSL was giving a false error.

I being a noob as I am had to download FTP Filezilla trying to access it and see if writable and it was.

I am writing a step by step solution so that future readers might find it helpful

Step 1: Get your **Public DNS** address. You can find it under your instance's info in aws ec 2 instance section. usually looks something like this:

Step 2: Find your .pem key that you got when you got your instance.

Step 3: Open FileZilla. (File transfer software to access files on your server (I know it is stupid AWS has no own FTPs set up)

Step 4: Go to the FileZilla>edit> settings, and on the left, click SFTP.

Step 5: Add a new private key. (Your .pem key), CONVERT IT WITH PUTTY (google how to convert putty keys with puttygen) add that converted one as well. I added both because I had no clue which one it wants, original .pem from AWS or .pkk from Puttygen. Putty and Puttygen are not the same thing. Putty gen is a software used to convert keys, Putty is a software that USES those keys to login into your server. Do not use putty. You only need Putty gen to convert this silly key.

Step 6: At the top in the Quickconnect bar, put your Public DNS in the host, ec2-user, port 22 (Port 22 is SFTP rather than FTP, AWS will kick back FTP.), and NO PASSWORD.

IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE NOT USING ec 2 INSTANCE BUT LIGHTSAIL, and it fails, maybe try instead of ec2-user, try to type bitnami instead.

Step 8: Click Quickconnect.

Step 9: You are done!

What then?

Try to find your file here:


right click and click propertis see if it is writable.

OKAY SO why is this important? As NogDog pointed out this was not my problem, but I wrote it anyway just so well documented when someone reads, can do and inspect his file maybe for him it will be the issue.

So what was wrong in my case?

**really simple SSL was giving a false error. wpconfig file WAS writable! However from the route53 when I was making my domain>> go to the ip of this ec 2 instance, i wrote a wrong so it went to another server, whoever visited this domain. Well then really simple SSL could not give me SSL certificate and for some retarded reason it told me "your wp config is not writable". Well I have no idea how did really simple ssl come to that conclusion but when I added the appropriate record in my route 53 that leads to my server, all worked well. To be sure, I then falsely wrote it the wrong ip just to test it and same error popped up**

So how do you properly pooint your domain to the server?

Here is a nice video:


Thanks everyone and thank you NogDog for replying , really appreciate it. OFten people don't reply and noobs like me have to freak out in a room all alone and then cry in the corner
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@larrijackhammerDec 05.2020 — what wordpress scripts are you using?


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