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Email subscription by php only


Three questions please.

1) Is it possible to code adding and deleting from subscription for an email newsletter on a blog by working with a simple txt file located on a server containing list of email addresses by using php only?

2) How do I add first names there? A second list? Or email address and first name separated with a comma?

3) Can more users online add their email address to the file at the same time?

I am asking these questions, because I prefer not to study SQL.

Thank you.

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@NogDogApr 06.2021 — > @codewitch#1630021 I am asking these questions, because I prefer not to study SQL.

However, that's exactly the sort of thing that databases excel at, whereas a text-file-based solution would be clunky at best, and would not scale well. I would highly recommend you rethink your aversion to using a database.
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@NogDogApr 06.2021 — > @codewitch#1630021 3) Can more users online add their email address to the file at the same time?

PS: That aspect of using a text file can become very problematic. Without careful consideration and use of file-locking techniques (e.g. using [u][`flock()`](https://php.net/flock)[/u], perhaps), things could get really messy here.


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