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I’m currently building an ecommerce website using HTMl, CSS, Javascript and Contentful as a serverless backend and database. I make Api calls for my products and then manipulate the product title, description, image, id and price that Contentful delivers. I already created the right classes, manipulated the data and displayed the products. Here is where I have been stuck for the past 6 weeks. I want a functionality where when I click an eye icon next to a product, it displays a fullscreen modal of that product that includes a description, an image, price and add to cart button. We’ve all seen it on Ecommerce sites;
The logic goes thus:

  • Pass all the IDs of the products from the api to the eye icons as data-ids ( already did this)

  • Assemble all eye icons into a Node List in my JS file (already did this)

  • Use a ForEach statement to loop through the nodelist (already did this)

  • Add an Event Listener to the forEach argument name and bind it to a click event (already did this)

  • Create a variable “btnId”, and assign the ID of the specific eye icon that was clicked to this variable (already did this)

  • Find the product in the array of products received via the API that has the same ID as the button that was clicked and assign it to a new variable “productItem”(THIS IS WHERE MY PROBLEM IS);

  • Call a function that displays the description modal and pass in the variable “productItem” above as argument.
    I have tried everything but I can’t access the product that has the ID that is equals to “btnId”.
  • compileDescription(products){
    const eyeView = […document.querySelectorAll(‘.view’)];
    eyeView.forEach(viewBtn => {
    viewBtn.addEventListener(‘click’, (event)=>{
    const btnId= event.target.dataset.class;
    let productItem = product.find(product => product.id === btnId)
    if (productItem) {

    product.id here is undefined because product is the name of an array of objects.
    How do i access a specific product from an array of object without knowing which array index i will be accessing ahead of time?
    Please help!! I’ve been on this for over 6 weeks now. Thanks in advance

    Here is a link to the website: https://chayyahsmart.netlify.app
    Here is a link to my full code: https://codepen.io/omotovh/pen/JjWaXKo

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    2 Comments(s)

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    @daveyerwinJun 10.2021 — @omotovh#1632756

    what is the error you encounter ?

    you say "product is the name of an array of objects"

    where does product come from ?

    how do you call the function compileDescription(products) ?

    compileDescription('what do you pass to function here')

    the parameter 'products' is not referenced in the code
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    @omotovhauthorJul 09.2021 — @DaveyErwin#1632785 products is received via an API call to contentful. Contentful is a serverless content management system. I'm sorry i'm just replying. I sort of abandoned the project. I just came back to it.


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