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Element with position absolute stretches the parent div, why?

Hello! I have a problem with position absolute.
Here is a link for a quick demo of the problem. https://jsfiddle.net/zvs4f9hd/#&togetherjs=DijFma547G
The square that’s positioned with absolute positioning stretches the body of the page. But from what I know – it shouldn’t.
What am I doing wrong?
I want the element with position absolute to be outside of the page. Like somewhere where I can never see it!

Thank you!

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@daveyerwinJul 20.2021 — you don't have a parent div in your code

your css works as expected

the red square is positioned at 0,0

the blue square is also position at 0,0

because absolute positioned elements are not in the flow

transform: translate(0px, 100vh);

the translate directive causes the blue square

position to be moved along a vector

0px to the right and 100vh down


so it is positioned at the view height

just out of sight


By default, both the html element and body element have their height CSS property set to auto . This means they don’t have an explicit height out of the box. They’ll either take up whatever height they are told to be, or they will take up whatever height of the content that is inside them.

.absolute-container {

position: absolute;

width: 100px;

height: 100px;

background-color: #111BBB;

left: -100px


you won't the blue square with the above css
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@SempervivumJul 20.2021 — @weareandrei#1634399
>The square that's positioned with absolute positioning stretches the body of the page. But from what I know - it shouldn't.

It does not stretch. Apply some border to body and it will get visible.

However, obviously the browser makes that element accessible by showing the vertical scrollbar.

You can hide that element by applying `overflow: hidden;` to body; then the scrollbar will disappear:

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@weareandreiauthorJul 20.2021 — @Sempervivum#1634401 thanks for your answer, this helped me to overcome the issue.

But now I am facing another issue. The solution that you are suggesting leads to the situation where I cannot scroll the page. And what if I need to because the re are more then 1 element. Here is my jsfiddle again :)

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@SempervivumJul 20.2021 — Is your requirement just to shift the blue box out of view? If so, you can shift it to the left or to the top, then it will not be reachable by scrolling.
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@weareandreiauthorJul 20.2021 — @Sempervivum#1634448 Well, sorry for not explaining it earlier. What I am doing is the navigation menu for mobile devices. When the burger is pressed - the menu moves up from below. Basically it is like an animation of menu appearing on the screen. And I want it to be out of sight, but below and so that I cannot scroll there. But I still need the scroll ))
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@SempervivumJul 20.2021 — 😃 That's always helpful if one knows about the background of a requirement.

I hope this fiddle is what you require. I had to add an additional wrapper, `main`, and make that one scrollable:



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