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Random Number Selection with Random Time Display

This select random times for the setTimeout. The myFunction() calls itself. It works correctly when I click the “start” button the first time, but when I click “stop” the “start” again it goes crazy after timing several numbers correctly. It is supposed to display a number, for example, 7, for 7 seconds then randomly choose maybe 3 and display 3 for 3 seconds. For whatever reason after I start/stop it will after a few numbers, start display a 5 but then a second later display a new number without a delay.

Any ideas, please?

<button id=startIt>Start</button>
<button id=stopIt>Stop</button>
<p id=”demo”></p>

function myFunction() {
var min = 0, max = 8;

var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max – min + 1) + min); //Generate Random number between min/max
setTimeout(myFunction, rand * 1000);
document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = (rand + ” ” +”<BR>”);
startIt.onclick = function(){this.disabled=true;myFunction()}
stopIt.onclick = function(){startIt.disabled=false;rand=0;}

</body> </html>

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5 Comments(s)

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@daveyerwinJul 31.2021 — if this code is not self explanatory

Please ask questions

&lt;button id=startIt&gt;Start&lt;/button&gt;
&lt;button id=stopIt&gt;Stop&lt;/button&gt;
&lt;p id="demo"&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
'use strict';
var tO;
function myFunction() {
var min = 0, max = 8;
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); //Generate Random number between min/max
tO=setTimeout(myFunction, rand * 1000);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (rand + " " +"&lt;BR&gt;");
startIt.disabled = true;
startIt.disabled = false;
&lt;/body&gt; &lt;/html&gt;<i>
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@zamberauthorAug 01.2021 — I need to know the reason it works properly only the first time start is clicked, but not the second time, and how to fix it please.

  • 1. Clicking start, number is displayed for the time matching the number. 5 displays for 5 seconds.

  • 2. Then I click stop, then start, but the numbers do not display correctly after a the first few.

  • 3. Instead of displaying the correct amount of time, numbers just display.

  • 4. How do I get it display the numbers for the correct amount of time after clicking?
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    @daveyerwinAug 01.2021 — @zamber#1634933 said ...

    Clicking start, number is displayed for the time matching the number. 5 displays for 5 seconds.

    Then I click stop

    here is your stop code ...

    stopIt.onclick = function(){startIt.disabled=false;rand=0;}

    When you click stop it does nothing useful !

    I would ask you what exactly you expect to

    happen when the stop button is pressed ?

    the myFunction() continues to call it's self

    after the setTimeout has finished it's count down

    so the loop continues to run endlessly

    every time you push start a new "endless loop"

    is created and begins to run endlessly

    every loop you create by pressing Start

    runs endlessly independently of any other

    loops that may be running

    solution ...

    you must stop the "endless loop" created by

    the call to myFunction() before creating a new loop

    This is accomplished by "clearing" the setTimeout


    Please ask more questions !
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    @zamberauthorAug 02.2021 — Thanks! It works great. Below are my questions in the comments, please.
    </i>var tO;
    function myFunction() {
    if(!startIt.disabled){ //Why is there a ! in front of the variable?
    clearTimeout(tO); //Why two clear timeouts? Other in stopIt
    return; //Where is the value returned to?
    var min = 0, max = 8;
    var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
    tO=setTimeout(myFunction, rand * 1000);

    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (rand + " " +"&lt;BR&gt;");
    startIt.disabled = true;
    clearTimeout(tO); // What is this line for? I took it out and it still worked.
    startIt.disabled = false;
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    @daveyerwinAug 02.2021 — if(!startIt.disabled){ //Why is there a ! in front of the variable?

    clearTimeout(tO); //Why two clear timeouts? Other in stopIt

    return; //Where is the value returned to?

    the ! is the "Logical negation operator"

    it is pronounced "Not"

    alert(!true) will alert false

    alert(!false) will alert true

    calling return always ends(terminates) a function

    if there is a value after the return

    that value is returned to the caller

    in this case the return is just for the

    purpose of ending the function

    you are correct in your conclusion that only one clearTimeout is necessary

    so let's do this ...
    &lt;button id=startIt&gt;Start&lt;/button&gt;
    &lt;button id=stopIt&gt;Stop&lt;/button&gt;
    &lt;p id="demo"&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
    'use strict';
    var tO;
    function myFunction() {
    var min = 0, max = 8;
    var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); //Generate Random number between min/max
    tO=setTimeout(myFunction, rand * 1000);
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (rand + " " +"&lt;BR&gt;");
    startIt.disabled = true;
    startIt.disabled = false;
    &lt;/body&gt; &lt;/html&gt;<i>


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