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SVG Animation infinite loop

I have created this SVG animation. The problem is that I can figure out how I can make it infinite. I tried all kinds of things but I can’t figure it out. The problem is because of the delay. If I am trying to make out to opacity 0 at 100% it take each element the delay amount to fade out, Also is it possible to have an observer and to run the animation only when the user is on this particular section?

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@codyhillauthorAug 21.2021 — @RaulRogojan#1635829 I manage to make it kinda work... I look good but only for a few seconds as after some times the animations desync
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#skeleton {
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@SempervivumAug 21.2021 — Javascript might help you out and synchronize the animations: Omit `infinite</C> and instead add and remove a class, e. g. "run", and control the animations by this class. This demo is incomplete, you have to add the initial state in the CSS:
</i>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;

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&lt;title&gt;Sync Animations&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;!-- &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; --&gt;
svg.run #skeleton {
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animation: fadeInDown 8000ms ease 3000ms;

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animation: fadeInDown 8000ms ease 4000ms;

svg.run #button_2 {
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animation: fadeInDown 8000ms ease 4500ms;

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40% {
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100% {
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100% {
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143.336 175.012 143.632C174.732 143.928 174.544 144.32 174.448 144.808C174.36 145.288 174.316 145.876 174.316 146.572C174.316 147.292 174.36 147.896 174.448 148.384C174.544 148.872 174.732 149.264 175.012 149.56C175.3 149.856 175.716 150.004 176.26 150.004C176.796 150.004 177.204 149.856 177.484 149.56C177.772 149.264 177.96 148.872 178.048 148.384C178.144 147.896 178.192 147.292 178.192 146.572Z"
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135.27C137.444 135.358 137.312 135.494 137.212 135.678C137.112 135.862 137.062 136.086 137.062 136.35C137.062 136.618 137.11 136.844 137.206 137.028C137.306 137.212 137.438 137.35 137.602 137.442C137.766 137.53 137.946 137.574 138.142 137.574ZM141.212 135.162V137.1C141.212 137.26 141.246 137.374 141.314 137.442C141.382 137.506 141.5 137.538 141.668 137.538H142.07V138H141.578C141.274 138 141.046 137.93 140.894 137.79C140.742 137.65 140.666 137.42 140.666 137.1V135.162H140.24V134.712H140.666V133.884H141.212V134.712H142.07V135.162H141.212ZM142.528 136.344C142.528 136.008 142.596 135.714 142.732 135.462C142.868 135.206 143.054 135.008 143.29 134.868C143.53 134.728 143.796 134.658 144.088 134.658C144.376 134.658 144.626 134.72 144.838 134.844C145.05 134.968 145.208 135.124 145.312 135.312V134.712H145.864V138H145.312V137.388C145.204 137.58 145.042 137.74 144.826 137.868C144.614 137.992 144.366 138.054 144.082 138.054C143.79 138.054 143.526 137.982 143.29 137.838C143.054 137.694 142.868 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152.172 137.74 151.956 137.868C151.744 137.992 151.496 138.054 151.212 138.054C150.92 138.054 150.656 137.982 150.42 137.838C150.184 137.694 149.998 137.492 149.862 137.232C149.726 136.972 149.658 136.676 149.658 136.344ZM152.442 136.35C152.442 136.102 152.392 135.886 152.292 135.702C152.192 135.518 152.056 135.378 151.884 135.282C151.716 135.182 151.53 135.132 151.326 135.132C151.122 135.132 150.936 135.18 150.768 135.276C150.6 135.372 150.466 135.512 150.366 135.696C150.266 135.88 150.216 136.096 150.216 136.344C150.216 136.596 150.266 136.816 150.366 137.004C150.466 137.188 150.6 137.33 150.768 137.43C150.936 137.526 151.122 137.574 151.326 137.574C151.53 137.574 151.716 137.526 151.884 137.43C152.056 137.33 152.192 137.188 152.292 137.004C152.392 136.816 152.442 136.598 152.442 136.35ZM157.871 134.652C158.127 134.652 158.355 134.706 158.555 134.814C158.755 134.918 158.913 135.076 159.029 135.288C159.145 135.5 159.203 135.758 159.203 136.062V138H158.663V136.14C158.663 135.812 158.581 135.562 158.417 135.39C158.257 135.214 158.039 135.126 157.763 135.126C157.479 135.126 157.253 135.218 157.085 135.402C156.917 135.582 156.833 135.844 156.833 136.188V138H156.293V136.14C156.293 135.812 156.211 135.562 156.047 135.39C155.887 135.214 155.669 135.126 155.393 135.126C155.109 135.126 154.883 135.218 154.715 135.402C154.547 135.582 154.463 135.844 154.463 136.188V138H153.917V134.712H154.463V135.186C154.571 135.014 154.715 134.882 154.895 134.79C155.079 134.698 155.281 134.652 155.501 134.652C155.777 134.652 156.021 134.714 156.233 134.838C156.445 134.962 156.603 135.144 156.707 135.384C156.799 135.152 156.951 134.972 157.163 134.844C157.375 134.716 157.611 134.652 157.871 134.652ZM161.533 138.054C161.225 138.054 160.945 137.984 160.693 137.844C160.445 137.704 160.249 137.506 160.105 137.25C159.965 136.99 159.895 136.69 159.895 136.35C159.895 136.014 159.967 135.718 160.111 135.462C160.259 135.202 160.459 135.004 160.711 134.868C160.963 134.728 161.245 134.658 161.557 134.658C161.869 134.658 162.151 134.728 162.403 134.868C162.655 135.004 162.853 135.2 162.997 135.456C163.145 135.712 163.219 136.01 163.219 136.35C163.219 136.69 163.143 136.99 162.991 137.25C162.843 137.506 162.641 137.704 162.385 137.844C162.129 137.984 161.845 138.054 161.533 138.054ZM161.533 137.574C161.729 137.574 161.913 137.528 162.085 137.436C162.257 137.344 162.395 137.206 162.499 137.022C162.607 136.838 162.661 136.614 162.661 136.35C162.661 136.086 162.609 135.862 162.505 135.678C162.401 135.494 162.265 135.358 162.097 135.27C161.929 135.178 161.747 135.132 161.551 135.132C161.351 135.132 161.167 135.178 160.999 135.27C160.835 135.358 160.703 135.494 160.603 135.678C160.503 135.862 160.453 136.086 160.453 136.35C160.453 136.618 160.501 136.844 160.597 137.028C160.697 137.212 160.829 137.35 160.993 137.442C161.157 137.53 161.337 137.574 161.533 137.574ZM166.853 134.712V138H166.307V137.514C166.203 137.682 166.057 137.814 165.869 137.91C165.685 138.002 165.481 138.048 165.257 138.048C165.001 138.048 164.771 137.996 164.567 137.892C164.363 137.784 164.201 137.624 164.081 137.412C163.965 137.2 163.907 136.942 163.907 136.638V134.712H164.447V136.566C164.447 136.89 164.529 137.14 164.693 137.316C164.857 137.488 165.081 137.574 165.365 137.574C165.657 137.574 165.887 137.484 166.055 137.304C166.223 137.124 166.307 136.862 166.307 136.518V134.712H166.853ZM169.377 134.652C169.777 134.652 170.101 134.774 170.349 135.018C170.597 135.258 170.721 135.606 170.721 136.062V138H170.181V136.14C170.181 135.812 170.099 135.562 169.935 135.39C169.771 135.214 169.547 135.126 169.263 135.126C168.975 135.126 168.745 135.216 168.573 135.396C168.405 135.576 168.321 135.838 168.321 136.182V138H167.775V134.712H168.321V135.18C168.429 135.012 168.575 134.882 168.759 134.79C168.947 134.698 169.153 134.652 169.377 134.652ZM172.278 135.162V137.1C172.278 137.26 172.312 137.374 172.38 137.442C172.448 137.506 172.566 137.538 172.734 137.538H173.136V138H172.644C172.34 138 172.112 137.93 171.96 137.79C171.808 137.65 171.732 137.42 171.732 137.1V135.162H171.306V134.712H171.732V133.884H172.278V134.712H173.136V135.162H172.278Z"
fill="black" fill-opacity="0.5" /&gt;
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&lt;clipPath id="clip0"&gt;
&lt;rect width="9.69231" height="9.69231" fill="white" transform="translate(247.154 44.1538)" /&gt;

Then use setInterval to toggle the class.
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@codyhillauthorAug 29.2021 — @Sempervivum#1635846 I tried to make it with gsap and active the animation using an observer. the problem is that the observers do not work and I don't know why.
</i>const mobileAppAnimation = () =&gt; {
const section = document.querySelector(".call-to-action-section");
const options = {};

const tl = gsap.timeline({
defaults: {
duration: 0.8,
opacity: 0,
ease: Power1.easeOut,
const tl2 = gsap.timeline({ delay: 1.3, ease: Bounce.easeOut });

tl.from("#skeleton", {
y: "20%",
duration: 1,
.from("#top-part_2", { y: "-200%" })
.from("#checkout_2", { y: "-100%" }, "-=.8")
.from("#total-amount_2", { y: "-100%" }, "-=.6")
.from("#bottom-part_2", { y: "-50%" }, "-=.4")
.from("#button_2", { y: "-150%" }, "-=.3");

tl2.to("#phone-animation", { duration: 1, y: -5, repeat: -1, yoyo: true });


const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) =&gt; {
if (isIntersecting) {
} else {
}, options);

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@SempervivumAug 29.2021 — gsap? Never heard about but found it immediately on Github. I'm unsure if there are benefits in using it over the native Webanimation API or if it was created when the latter was not yet available (similar to jQuery or Bootstrap).

What does " the observers do not work" in detail? Does it not fire at all?
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@codyhillauthorAug 29.2021 — @Sempervivum#1636263 yes, it was not firing, Now I manage to make it fire and it works with consoles.log. The problem is that it doesn't play the animation. I think I also have a problem with gsap.

This is the code.
</i>const mobileAppAnimation = () =&gt; {
const section = document.querySelector(".call-to-action-section");
const options = {};

const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) =&gt; {
const tl = gsap.timeline({
defaults: {
duration: 0.8,
opacity: 0,
ease: Power1.easeOut,
paused: true,
const tl2 = gsap.timeline({
delay: 1.3,
ease: Bounce.easeOut,
paused: true,

tl.from("#skeleton", {
y: "20%",
duration: 1,
.from("#top-part_2", { y: "-200%" })
.from("#checkout_2", { y: "-100%" }, "-=.8")
.from("#total-amount_2", { y: "-100%" }, "-=.6")
.from("#bottom-part_2", { y: "-50%" }, "-=.4")
.from("#button_2", { y: "-150%" }, "-=.3");

tl2.to("#phone-animation", { duration: 1, y: -5, repeat: -1, yoyo: true });

entries.forEach((entry) =&gt; {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
} else {
}, options);


GreenSock or gsap is a library that makes it easier to animate. Here you can see more https://greensock.com/.

Here I learned about gsap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKrjsux7C38
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@SempervivumAug 29.2021 — Thanks for this info.

I took my previous test file and added the intersection observer:
</i> const section = document.querySelector('svg');
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) =&gt; {
entries.forEach(entry =&gt; {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
} else {
console.log('does not intersect');
}, {})


Works fine, however I do not know which type of animation you intend to achieve: Playing repeated animation on intersection and stop it when there is no intersection? Or play fading/shifting in on intersect and play reverse when there is no intersection? This wouldn't make sense as the SVG has disappeared when playing reverse starts.
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@codyhillauthorSep 07.2021 — @Sempervivum#1636267 Hi, I am sorry. But could you help me with my last 2 discussions/posts?


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