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Winning / Losing Streak

I have a simple mySQL table which has team1 and team2 along with team1Pts and team2Pts.

I have heaps of teams. But I’ll be doing the follow when considering a specific team ID. Say ID: 1.

Team ID 1, could be team1 or team2 in the database.

I need to find out the most number of times my TeamID 1 has had more points than any other team. AKA a winning streak?

I can list all the winning games with the use of CASE etc.. But not idea if this can be done.

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12 Comments(s)

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@ginerjmOct 06.2021 — Are you saying the relationship of team id and team is not a unique one? Very confusing description. How about trying over?
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@kiwisauthorOct 06.2021 — @ginerjm#1637920

No, I'm saying the teamID which I'm using to filter my results could be either Team1 or Team2. Example Rows

Team1ID: 1, Team2ID: 4, Team1Points: 6, Team2Points: 3

Team1ID: 8, Team2ID: 1, Team1Points: 11, Team2Points: 7

Team1ID: 3, Team2ID: 1, Team1Points: 1, Team2Points: 4

Team1ID: 1, Team2ID: 14, Team1Points: 9, Team2Points: 1
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@ginerjmOct 06.2021 — No dates? You say a 'winning streak' which means wins without a loss. Without a game order you can't do that.
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@kiwisauthorOct 06.2021 — @ginerjm#1637924

Yes, there's dates and other columns too. Cutting down the columns to simply explain the confusion.
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@ginerjmOct 06.2021 — So you need a query that selects the team id and the scores from each game in date sequence. Then loop thru those results counting the winning games and stopping when you see a loss.
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@ginerjmOct 06.2021 — This might work and it might not. No data to work with so made it up.
$sel_team = 1;
$q = 'select game_dt, team1_id, team1_scr, team2_id, team2_scr
from games_tbl
where team1_id = :sel_team1 or team2_id = :sel_team2
order by game_dt';
$parms = array(
$qst = $pdo->prepare($q);
$streaks = array();
$streak_cnt = 0;
$hit_loss = 0;
$last_dt = '';
while(list($dt, $id1, $scr1, $id2, $scr2) = $qst->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM))
if ($id1 == $sel_team)
if ($scr1 > $scr2) // a win
$last_dt = $dt;
else // a loss
if ($streak_cnt <> 0)
// hit a loss so save the current cnt & end date
$streaks[] = array($streak_cnt, $last_dt);
$streak_cnt = 0;
$last_dt = '';
elseif ($id2 == $sel_team)
if ($scr2 > $scr1) // a win
$last_dt = $dt;
else // a loss
if ($streak_cnt <> 0)
// hit a loss so save the current cnt & end date
$streaks[] = array($streak_cnt, $last_dt);
$streak_cnt = 0;
$last_dt = '';
echo "For $sel_team there were winning streaks of:<br>";
foreach($streaks as $k=>$v)
echo "{$v[0]} games ending on {$v[1]}<br>";
This will keep track of all the select team's streaks with their end dates. If you wan to add the start date, I'll let you play with that.
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@NogDogOct 07.2021 — Just wondering if (assuming PDO style place-holder for the team of interest):
$sql = <<<EOD
when Team1Score > Team2Score then true
else false
end as win
from (
select gameDate, Team1Points as Team1Score, Team2Points as Team2Score
from Games where Team1ID = :team_id
) union (
select gameDate, Team2Points as Team1Score, Team1Points as Team2Score
from Games where Team2ID = :team_id
) as games
order by gameDate

Assuming that works, I might try something like this to get the longest winning streak (until I think of a better way):
$longest = $current = 0;
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if($row['win']) {
if($current > $longest) {
$longest = $current;
} else {
$current = 0;
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@ginerjmOct 07.2021 — My approach is not like yours, but it did not need the extra parm that you suggest.
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@NogDogOct 07.2021 — @ginerjm#1637952

Definitely more than one way to skin that cat. (I was more interested in of thinking up a "clever" -- if not necessarily "better" -- SQL method. ;) )
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@ginerjmOct 07.2021 — I chose what I thought was the easy way since this was a gratis problem solving task.
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@kiwisauthorOct 08.2021 — @NogDog#1637930

Cheers NogDog, I went down this path but then the situation changed and we wanted a list. I decided to follow a simuilar path but put streaks into an array outside of SQL

So In my SQL I work out if the game was a win and indicate it via a ''W' and a loss of draw with a ''-'.

Then as I loop my results I do this

</i> while ($row = $result-&gt;fetch_assoc()) {
if($row['OutCome'] == '-'){ // If outcome was not a win
if ($flush == 1){ // counter has been rolling and we've stopped it. End of results load into array
$masterArray[] = array('First'=&gt; $firstID, 'Last' =&gt; $Last, 'Count' =&gt; $counter, 'IDs' =&gt; $IDs);
// Reset settings
$firstID = 0;
$flush = 0;
$counter = 0;
$IDs = array();
} else { // Outcome is a win
if($counter == 0){ // First one. Saved ID
$firstID = $row['gameId'];
$Last = $row['gameId']; // Update as last
$IDs[] = $row['gameId']; // Save ID into array
$flush = 1; // We're off and counting
$counter++; // Streak count
// If exited on last loop, load what we have
$masterArray[] = array('First'=&gt; $firstID, 'Last' =&gt; $Last, 'Count' =&gt; $counter, 'IDs' =&gt; $IDs);<i>

I then order my master array and slice it.

It works, but is there a tidier way of doing this code?
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@konstantineaquaviOct 14.2021 — Without a game order you can't do that.

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