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help with collapsable javascript

I’m a novice with JS, so please bear with me. I’m working on a site with a sitemap section that I want to toggle open and closed. It works fine except for one thing — its default is to toggle open. I want it closed and open only on click. However, I’m not quite sure what I need to do to change that. Here’s the code. If anyone can instruct me what I need to change I would appreciate it.

code for first js file:

* Collapsible widget
* https://github.com/filamentgroup/collapsible
* Copyright (c) 2014 Filament Group, Inc.
* Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses.

;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {

// Defaults
var pluginName = “collapsible”;
var idInt = 0;
// overrideable defaults
var defaults = {
pluginClass: pluginName,
collapsedClass: pluginName + “-collapsed”,
expandedClass: pluginName + “-expanded”, // NOTE: don’t use this class for showing/hiding collapsible-content. Instead, use it for expanded visual exceptions.
headerClass: pluginName + “-header”,
contentClass: pluginName + “-content”,
enhancedClass: pluginName + “-enhanced”,
instructions: false,
innerButton: false, // this wraps the text of the header in a button and transfers the aria info to that button
collapsed: false

// plugin constructor
function Plugin(element, options) {
this.element = $( element );
var self = this,
dataOptions = {};

// Allow data-attr option setting
if( this.element.is( “[data-config]” ) ){
for( var option in defaults ){
if( defaults.hasOwnProperty( option) ){
var value = self.element.attr( “data-” + option.replace( /[A-Z]/g, function( c ) {
return “-” + c.toLowerCase();

if ( value !== undefined ) {
if( value === “true” || value === “false” ){
dataOptions[ option ] = value === “true”;
else {
dataOptions[ option ] = value;

this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, dataOptions, options );

// allow the collapsedClass to set the option if specified
if( this.element.is( “.” + this.options.collapsedClass ) ){
this.options.collapsed= true;

this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;

Plugin.prototype = {
init: function () {
this.header = this.element.children().filter( “.” + this.options.headerClass );
if( !this.header.length ){
this.header = this.element.children().eq( 0 );
this.content = this.element.children().filter( “.” + this.options.contentClass );
if( !this.content.length ){
this.content = this.header.next();
if( this.options.innerButton ){
this.headerHTML = this.header.text();
this.headerButton = $( “<button></button>” ).append( this.headerHTML );
this.element.data( pluginName, this );
this.element.trigger( “init” );

_addAttributes: function(){
.addClass( this.options.pluginClass )
.addClass( this.options.enhancedClass );

this.header.addClass( this.options.headerClass );


this.content.addClass( this.options.contentClass );


_addA11yAttrs: function(){
if( this.options.innerButton ){
this.header.html( ” );
this.header.append( this.headerButton );
else {
this.header.attr( “role”, “button” );
this.header.attr( “tabindex”, “0” );
if( this.options.instructions ){
this.header.attr( “title”, this.options.instructions );

_removeA11yAttrs: function(){
if( this.options.innerButton ){
this.header.html( ” );
this.header.append( this.headerHTML );
else {
this.header.removeAttr( “role” );
this.header.removeAttr( “tabindex” );
this.header.removeAttr( “title” );

_isNonInteractive: function(){
var computedContent = window.getComputedStyle( this.content[ 0 ], null );
var computedHeader = window.getComputedStyle( this.header[ 0 ], null );
if( this.options.innerButton ){
computedHeader = window.getComputedStyle( this.headerButton[ 0 ], null );
return computedContent.getPropertyValue( “display” ) !== “none” && computedContent.getPropertyValue( “visibility” ) !== “hidden” && computedHeader.getPropertyValue( “cursor” ) === “default”;

_checkInteractivity: function(){
if( this._isNonInteractive() ){

_bindEvents: function(){
var self = this;

.bind( ( “click” ), function( e ){
self.toggle( e.target );
if( !self._isNonInteractive() ){
.bind( “keydown.” + pluginName, function( e ){
if( ( e.which === 13 || e.which === 32 ) ){
self.toggle( e.target );
if( !self._isNonInteractive() ){

if( this.options.collapsed ){
else {

var resizepoll;
$( window ).bind( “resize”, function(){
if( resizepoll ){
clearTimeout( resizepoll );
resizepoll = setTimeout( function(){
self._checkInteractivity.call( self );
}, 150 );
} );
$( window ).bind( “expand”, function( e ){
if( $( e.target ).find( self.element ).length ){
self._checkInteractivity.call( self );
} );

collapsed: false,

// used internally to expand without triggering events (for init)
_expand: function() {
this.element.removeClass( this.options.collapsedClass );
this.element.addClass( this.options.expandedClass );
if( this.options.innerButton ){
this.headerButton.attr( “aria-expanded”, “true” );
else {
this.header.attr( “aria-expanded”, “true” );
this.collapsed = false;

expand: function () {
var self = $( this ).data( pluginName ) || this;
self.element.trigger( “expand” );

// used internally to expand without triggering events (for init)
_collapse: function() {
this.element.addClass( this.options.collapsedClass );
this.element.removeClass( this.options.expandedClass );
if( this.options.innerButton ){
this.headerButton.attr( “aria-expanded”, “false” );
else {
this.header.attr( “aria-expanded”, “false” );
this.collapsed = true;

collapse: function() {
var self = $( this ).data( pluginName ) || this;
self.element.trigger( “collapse” );

toggle: function(){
if( this.collapsed ){
} else {

focusable: “a, input, textarea, select, button, [tabindex=’0′]”


// lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor,
// preventing against multiple instantiations
$.fn[ pluginName ] = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
if ( !$( this ).data( pluginName ) ) {
new Plugin( this, options );

// Simple auto-init by selector that runs when the dom is ready. Trigger “enhance” if desirable.
$( document ).bind( “enhance”, function( e ){
var selector = “.” + pluginName;
$( $( e.target ).is( selector ) && e.target ).add( selector, e.target ).filter( selector )[ pluginName ]();

})(jQuery, window, document);

code for second js file:

* Collapsible widget extension: tabs behavior
* https://github.com/filamentgroup/collapsible
* Copyright (c) 2014 Filament Group, Inc.
* Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses.

;(function ($, window, document) {

var pluginName = “collapsible”;
var activeTabClass = “tab-active”;
var defaultAttrs = {
“tabindex”: “-1”,
“aria-selected”: false
var uniqueIdPrefix = pluginName + “-id-“;
var counter = 0;

function deactivateTab( $tabHeader ) {
$tabHeader.removeClass( activeTabClass ).attr( defaultAttrs );

function activateTab( $tabHeader ) {
$tabHeader.addClass( activeTabClass ).attr({
“aria-selected”: “true”
}).removeAttr( “tabindex” );

$( document ).bind( “init”, function( e ){
var $collapsible = $( e.target ).closest( “.” + pluginName );
var $tabContainer = $collapsible.parent();
var $tabNav = $tabContainer.find( “.tabnav” );
var self;
var id;
var linkId;

if( $collapsible.is( “.” + pluginName ) && $tabContainer.is( “.tabs” ) ){
self = $collapsible.data( pluginName );
id = self.content.attr( “id” );

$tabNav.find( “[aria-controls=” + id + “]” ).remove();

if( !id ) {
id = uniqueIdPrefix + ( ++counter );
self.content.attr( “id”, id );

linkId = id + “-link”;

var attrs = {
“id”: linkId,
“aria-controls”: id,
“role”: “tab”

for( var j in defaultAttrs ) {
attrs[ j ] = defaultAttrs[ j ];

self.$tabHeaderListItem = $( “<li>” ).attr( “role”, “presentation” );
self.$tabHeader = $( “<a href=’#” + id + “‘>” + self.header[0].innerHTML + “</a>” ).attr( attrs );
self.header.css( ‘display’, ‘none’ );
“aria-labelledby”: linkId

self.$tabHeader.bind( “click”, function( e ){

if( self.$tabHeader.is( ‘.’ + activeTabClass ) ) {
deactivateTab( self.$tabHeader );
} else {
deactivateTab( $tabContainer.find( ‘.’ + activeTabClass ) );
activateTab( self.$tabHeader );

}).bind( “keydown”, function( e ){
var $activeTab = $tabNav.find( “.” + activeTabClass );
var direction;

// arrow key behavior
if( e.which === 39 ) { // forward
direction = “next”;
} else if( e.which === 37 ) { // back
direction = “prev”;

if( direction ) {
$activeTab.parent()[ direction ]().find( “a” ).trigger( “click” ).focus();

if( !$tabNav.length ) {
$tabNav = $( “<ul class=’tabnav’ role=’tablist’></nav>” );
$tabContainer.prepend( $tabNav );

if( !self.collapsed ) {
activateTab( self.$tabHeader );

$tabNav.append( self.$tabHeaderListItem.append( self.$tabHeader ) );

})(jQuery, window, document);

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2 Comments(s)

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@SempervivumNov 18.2021 — Check if this helps you:


BTW: Please use code tags when posting code: `your code here` or triple backticks. I edited your posting accordingly.
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@greencrestauthorNov 19.2021 — @Sempervivum#1639580 thank you


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