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How to **properly** display images in a PHP form from a mysql db.

I am struggling on getting images from a mysql database to display properly. My overall goal is to have a product page that you search by keyword and then spits out the results. I want the images to be displayed with each corresponding row.
My **issue is that**when I search for keywords on the webpage, the image is displayed no matter what. How can I fix this? I inputted the image as a varchar into the db and I have the scent_id as the primary key auto incrementing.
I am also working to fix the security issue by using prepared statements as well.
Thank you for any help whatsoever, it is greatly appreciated!
i will paste my code below.

define(“SITE_ADDR”, “http://localhost/fragrance.php”);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href=”test.css?v=<?php echo time(); ?>” type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet”>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″>
<meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”ie=edge”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>



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<h1>Find My Fragrance</h1>

<form action= ”
method=’GET’ enctype=”multipart/form-data”>
<td><input type=”text” name=”k” size=”75%” placeholder=”search a scent”></td>
<td><input type=”submit” name=”” value=’search’ class=”button”></td>

if (isset($_GET[‘k’]) && $_GET[‘k’] != ”) {
//save keywords from url
$k = trim($_GET[‘k’]);

//base query for search

$query_string = “SELECT * FROM fragrance.scent WHERE “;
$display_words = “”;

//seperate each keyword in variable
$keywords = explode(‘ ‘, $k);

foreach($keywords as $word){
$query_string .= “keywords LIKE ‘%”.$word.”%’ OR “;
$display_words .= $word.” “;


$query_string = substr($query_string, 0, strlen($query_string) -3);
$conn = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
$query = mysqli_query($conn, $query_string);
$result_count = mysqli_num_rows($query);
$image = $row[‘image’];
$src = $row[‘image’];
$id = $row[‘scent_id’];
//check to see if any results returned

if ($result_count > 0)

//display result count to user
echo ‘<div class=”right”><u>’.$result_count.'</u></b>results found</div>’;
echo ‘Your search for <i>’.$display_words.'</i><hr />’;

echo ‘<table class=”search”>’;

//display all results
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){
echo ‘<td>’;
echo ‘<div class=”contain”>’;
echo ‘<div class=”image”>’;

echo ‘<td><img src=”‘.$row[‘image’].'</td>;
echo ‘<td><b>’.$row[‘brand_name’].'</b></td>’;
echo ‘<td><i>’.$row[‘product_name’].'</i></td>’;
echo ‘<td>’.$row[“Eau”].'</td>’;
echo ‘<td>’.$row[“top_notes”].'</td>


echo ‘No results found. Please use a different keyword.’;
echo ”;





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2 Comments(s)

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@NogDogNov 24.2021 — @danielabeldev#1639800 I edited your post to use this forum's ... tags around your code, as it works much better than using the &lt;/&gt; button in the edit window.
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@NogDogNov 24.2021 — There's an awful lot to look at there. I'd start by trying to functionalize things instead of just one long sequence of stream-of-consciousness PHP code. This line is missing some quotes and should be causing a fatal PHP parse error, I would think:
</i>echo '&lt;td&gt;&lt;img src="'.$row['image'].'&lt;/td&gt;;

Should be more like:
</i>echo '&lt;td&gt;&lt;img src="'.$row['image'].'"&lt;/td&gt;';

It does not look to me like the query would be valid if any keywords are submitted, since the WHERE clause would end with an "OR". (Also, $word should be escaped before using in the query via [mysqli_real_escape_string()](https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php).)

But in any case, searching for matches on each word means any DB row that includes any one of those words in that field is going to match -- not sure if that's what you really want? Also, doing LIKE '%anything%' is going to cause full table scans, as an index on that column won't help, since it can't just sort by the starting text in each instance of that column.

Well, that's a lot to chew on, without even tackling everything I see. :(


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