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Drag and Drop Form Elements

I’ve got a page which has a form on it. Inside the form tags I have a DIV for a drop zone.

I’m dragging DIV’s from outside of the form tags into this drop zone. Inside these draggable DIV’s are input elements containing values.

My console log shows the ID’s of these draggable DIV’s after they’ve been dropped into the drop zone.

When I inspect my code, the input element shows inside the the form before being posted but when I post the form I don’t get these input values.


I’m using this code

This is my testing mods.

I assume it’s something to do with the inputs not being in the form when it’s loaded but is there anything I can do or do I need to loop through and add ID’s to a textbox already in the form??

function drag(ev) {
ev.dataTransfer.setData(“text”, ev.target.id);

function drop(ev) {
var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData(“text”);
var n = ev.target.childNodes;
if (item.id != undefined){

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@daveyerwinJan 04.2022 — try moving <form> to right after <body>


move </form> to right before </body>

> @kiwis80#1641121 I assume it's something to do with the inputs not being in the form
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@SempervivumJan 04.2022 — @kiwis80#1641121 I tested this and it worked fine: Values of the inputs having been dragged into the form were sent to the PHP script. Did you assign names to the inputs being dragged and dropped? If this is not the reason for this issue please post the HTML of your form and the div being dragged.


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