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Just learning/relearning JS


Where do I go to show my code and output result to get guidance on what I’m doing wrong?

In my case, my code example works, but consistently shows ‘undefined’ as the last output result.

Please advise.


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8 Comments(s)

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@sibertJan 09.2022 — Post your code here as a start. Preferable within codetags. Or use Codepen or https://jsfiddle.net
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@jlgehauthorJan 09.2022 — @sibert#1641286
</i>const veggies = ['broccoli', 'spinach', 'cauliflower', 'broccoflower'];

const politelyDecline = (veg) =&gt; {
console.log(<span><code>No ${veg} please. I will have pizza with extra cheese.</code></span>);

const declineEverything = (arr) =&gt; {
return console.log(arr.forEach(politelyDecline));


const grudginglyAccept = (arr) =&gt; {
return console.log(<span><code>Ok, I guess I will eat some ${arr}.</code></span>);

const acceptEverything = (arr) =&gt; {
return console.log(arr.forEach(grudginglyAccept));


My results show four expected outputs, but each set ends with a fifth result as 'undefined'. I honestly don't see why it is doing that. Can you spot it and let me know? I will try that website you included as well.


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@jlgehauthorJan 09.2022 — I tried the 'fiddle' website and got the same results. I also spotted a bad practice(not critical) by not including a 'return' with my first 'const' declaration. I added it, but still got the same result. I wasn't expecting any real changes, but figured I would try it anyway.

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@daveyerwinJan 09.2022 — ``<i>
</i>const veggies = ['broccoli', 'spinach', 'cauliflower', 'broccoflower'];

const politelyDecline = (veg) =&gt; {
No ${veg} please. I will have pizza with extra cheese.);
return 1;

const declineEverything = (arr) =&gt; {

return 1;


const grudginglyAccept = (arr) =&gt; {
Ok, I guess I will eat some ${arr}.);
return 1;

const acceptEverything = (arr) =&gt; {
return 1;

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@jlgehauthorJan 10.2022 — @DaveyErwin#1641310

Thank you, but why did I receive the 'undefined' result?

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@daveyerwinJan 10.2022 — > @jlgeh#1641313asked ... why did I receive the 'undefined' result?

because arr.forEach(politelyDecline) returns undefined

so does arr.forEach(grudginglyAccept)
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@jlgehauthorJan 11.2022 — But WHY did it return 'undefined'? It should have only given me four resultant outputs, but yet it gave me five. Why?

That's what I can't seem to figure out or understand.

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@SempervivumJan 11.2022 — @jlgeh#1641374

@DaveyErwin explained correctly:
</i>const politelyDecline = (veg) =&gt; {
// This line outputs "No xxx please. I will have pizza with extra cheese."
// four times as required:
No ${veg} please. I will have pizza with extra cheese.);

const declineEverything = (arr) =&gt; {
// After looping through the array, this line outputs "undefined"
// as the return value of arr.forEach is undefined:
return console.log(arr.forEach(politelyDecline));


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