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Website automatically reloads at first visit

I really hope someone can help me out after months of trying to solve my issue.
Since I have very little experience, I don’t know how to do it myself.
The website `https://gemini-glow[dot]com` automatically reloads at the first visit, I think you will immediately see what I mean. It loads and suddenly reloads very fast, so it ‘flashes’.
I assume that some WordPress plugin or other piece of code causes this issue, but I don’t know how to find it.
Many thanks in advance.

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@NogDogJan 10.2022 — Looks like something decides it wants to use an additional query param, adding ?v=7516fd43adaa to the URL, which I'm guessing is maybe the Wordpress "article" ID for the home page? I haven't touched anything WordPress-related in years, but maybe that will give you or someone else an idea to search for or something. 🤞
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@ralphvbauthorJan 10.2022 — Hi, thank you very much for this information. I never linked that to the issue.

It seems like it had to do with a WooCommerce setting: 'geolocalize users with cache support'.

When disabling this feature, the problem is gone.

Many thanks for your help!


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