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Help to build a slider with multistep form

Hi all, sorry if i am posting this in the wrong place, but was not sure where to post..

What i am trying to build is a slider with a multistep form, with only submit at the end. I want the selections made along each step of the form to save to a database and at submit be emailed to me in a format specified.

Can someone please put me in the right direction for a tutorial or some info for what i need?

each step of the form should have some selections like check boxes, and there will be no page reload after each form step, as it wil be in a html5 or jquery slider.

Its for an online food ordering/menu so the client will select what they want, add in their name address and phone number and order on submit.

thanks in advance.. just need a push in the right direction to find the tutorials i need to complete it.

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6 Comments(s)

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@Kevin2Dec 20.2013 — I don't have an answer, but I do have a question or 5 that you may want to consider:

You want to save information to a database prior to a customer paying. What happens when a customer bails out of the process at step 4 or step 5 or at the payment "slide". Does all that info get deleted from the database so the food isn't prepared? Or even worse, does that food get prepared and delivered, but the customer decided at payment that they really didn't want to order it? You see, absolutely nothing should get "saved" until the customer has paid. Unless you're going to flush that information when a customer bails at any step.

Lots and lots can go horribly wrong in this scenario.

It might be better to write cookie(s) or use HTML5 sessionStorage for everything up to the customer submitting the order.

If you have that "back end" figured out already disregard all of the above. Or maybe I misunderstood parts of your post -- again, if that's the case disregard...
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@Man-O-LeisureauthorDec 21.2013 — I don't have an answer, but I do have a question or 5 that you may want to consider:

You want to save information to a database prior to a customer paying. What happens when a customer bails out of the process at step 4 or step 5 or at the payment "slide". Does all that info get deleted from the database so the food isn't prepared? Or even worse, does that food get prepared and delivered, but the customer decided at payment that they really didn't want to order it? You see, absolutely nothing should get "saved" until the customer has paid. Unless you're going to flush that information when a customer bails at any step.

Lots and lots can go horribly wrong in this scenario.

It might be better to write cookie(s) or use HTML5 sessionStorage for everything up to the customer submitting the order.

If you have that "back end" figured out already disregard all of the above. Or maybe I misunderstood parts of your post -- again, if that's the case disregard...[/QUOTE]

Yes good point.. i guess post to database would be best on Submit, so it gets emailed and also saved to database. With this i can have a screen in the kitchen that reads from the Database to show orders and food that needs to be prepared.
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@azade1992Dec 24.2013 — Great. Thank you very much.

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@fp42001Jun 04.2014 — good tanx alot

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@mah7Jun 17.2018 — https://mah7.com/perfume-famous-for-men/


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@rootJun 18.2018 — {"locked":true}


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