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I am new to javascript and I’m a little stuck

Hi everyone– I am new to javascript and I am stuck. Basically, I have created a map with a bunch of dots on it, each dot representing a person. I want to be able to click on the dot and it show the information as

Name: _______
Gender: _
Age: _

at the moment, its like this: Name: _______ , Gender: ______, Age: ________

And I also want to have it that when I click the next dot, the previous dot of information disappears. At the moment they all show up like this:[upl-image-preview url=https://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/assets/files/2018-04-21/1524270541-638043-screen-shot-2018-04-20-at-72852-pm.png]

Here is the code :

//draw dots for shootings
.attr(‘cx’, function(d){return proj([d.Longitude,d.Latitude])[0]})
.attr(‘cy’, function(d){return proj([d.Longitude,d.Latitude])[1]})
//change dot color depending on dataset
if(d.signs_of_mental_illness == “True”){
return ‘#e0ffff’
return ‘#90ee90’

//returns information
.on(‘click’, function(d){

.attr(‘y’, proj([d.Longitude,d.Latitude])[1]).text(“name: “+ d.name + “, gender: ” + d.gender + “, age: ” + d.age )
.attr(‘fill’, ‘white’)
.attr(‘font-family’, “Lato”)
.attr(‘font-size’, 16)

//when the user clicks one of the dots, change the data and the previous disappears.

var topic = “total”;
d3.select(“#total”).style(‘background-color’, ‘#A147AD’);

//when the user clicks one of the switches, change the data
.on(‘click’, function(d){
//reset all buttons
d3.selectAll(‘.shots’).style(‘background-color’, ‘#333’)

//make the background of selected button a different color
d3.select(this).style(‘background-color’, ‘#A147AD’)

//change topic variable to hold the data that the user wants to see
topic = this.id;

//run the update routine


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@SempervivumApr 21.2018 — Obviously you are using d3.js, you should have mentioned this. Inserting a line break in a text element seems to be not as easy as in HTML. A possible solution is described here:


And I also want to have it that when I click the next dot, the previous dot of information disappears.[/quote]
Apply a class to the text element and when another dot is clicked select all elements having this class and remove them like this:

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@rootApr 21.2018 — and note... JQUERY is not JavaScript..! Its a "JavaScript Framework" as it is written in the JavaScript language but by itself, will not run, it needs that Library (Framework) to support it otherwise the script does nothing.


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