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dragable html elements list

I am trying to make some html elements dragable which I have found an open source script for. I wonder if it is possible to just drag and drop the divs if pressing/holding on the numbers? I dont want the whole element to be “grabable” but just the numbers. I hope that someone understands.


function createSortable(selector) {
var sortable = document.querySelector(selector);
Draggable.create(sortable.children, {
type: “y”,
bounds: sortable,
edgeResistance: 1,
onPress: sortablePress,
onDragStart: sortableDragStart,
onDrag: sortableDrag,
liveSnap: sortableSnap,
onDragEnd: sortableDragEnd

function sortablePress() {
var t = this.target,
i = 0,
child = t;
while(child = child.previousSibling)
if (child.nodeType === 1) i++;
t.currentIndex = i;
t.currentHeight = t.offsetHeight;
t.kids = [].slice.call(t.parentNode.children); // convert to array

function sortableDragStart() {
TweenLite.set(this.target, { color: “#88CE02” });

function sortableDrag() {
var t = this.target,
elements = t.kids.slice(), // clone
indexChange = Math.round(this.y / t.currentHeight),
bound1 = t.currentIndex,
bound2 = bound1 + indexChange;
if (bound1 < bound2) { // moved down
TweenLite.to(elements.splice(bound1+1, bound2-bound1), 0.15, { yPercent: -100 });
TweenLite.to(elements, 0.15, { yPercent: 0 });
} else if (bound1 === bound2) {
elements.splice(bound1, 1);
TweenLite.to(elements, 0.15, { yPercent: 0 });
} else { // moved up
TweenLite.to(elements.splice(bound2, bound1-bound2), 0.15, { yPercent: 100 });
TweenLite.to(elements, 0.15, { yPercent: 0 });

function sortableSnap(y) {
var h = this.target.currentHeight;
return Math.round(y / h) * h;

function sortableDragEnd() {
var t = this.target,
max = t.kids.length – 1,
newIndex = Math.round(this.y / t.currentHeight);
newIndex += (newIndex < 0 ? -1 : 0) + t.currentIndex;
if (newIndex === max) {
} else {
t.parentNode.insertBefore(t, t.kids[newIndex+1]);
TweenLite.set(t.kids, { yPercent: 0, overwrite: “all” });
TweenLite.set(t, { y: 0, color: “” });

here is demo: https://codepen.io/jamiejefferson/pen/iFDow

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@SempervivumApr 25.2018 — No problem when using the sortable feature of jQuery-UI:


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@bbq1authorApr 25.2018 — I need to use this script.

I tried with this but then only the text is being dragged and not the whole element.
function createSortable(selector) {
var sortable = document.querySelector(selector);
var test = sortable.children.tagName = 'p';
Draggable.create(test, {
type: "y",
bounds: sortable,
edgeResistance: 1,
onPress: sortablePress,
onDragStart: sortableDragStart,
onDrag: sortableDrag,
liveSnap: sortableSnap,
onDragEnd: sortableDragEnd

Draggable.create(sortable, {
type: "y",
bounds: sortable



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