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Display icon per value in custom taxonomy in WordPress

I have created custom post types in a WordPress installation, and there are 3 sets of custom taxonomy with that. I’d like to be able to assign and icon to each of the values in those taxonomies to display along with the value name in posts.

I am using Beaver Builder and so I am able to create a Themer layout template for the custom post types and can pull the custom taxonomies (along with some Advanced Custom Fields) into the layout. The value text displays, but not an icon.

So for example, if I had a taxonomy that was difficulty, and values of easy, difficult, super hard. Then I would want to associate an icon with each of those and then display it in the layout along with the value (i.e. “easy”). I can see that it may be possible to place the icon in the taxonomy value description, or create a ACF field to associate with the taxonomies… but how to display it?

I’m looking into using ::before and CSS, but haven’t quite nailed the code.

Thoughts? Advice?

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