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Page Freezing

Why does my page freeze on this?

var targetInput = document.getElementById(“aircraft”),
results = document.getElementById(“autocomplete-results”),
aircraftList = [‘aa’,’bb’,’cc’,’dd’,’ee’],
matches = [];


targetInput.addEventListener(“keyup”, function(event){

results.innterHTML = ”;

if (this.value.length > 0){
matches = getMatches(this.value);
if (matches.length > 0){


function toggleResults(action){
if (action == ‘show’){
} else {


function getMatches (inputText){
var matchList = [];
for(var i = 0; i < aircraftList.length; i++){
if (aircraftList[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(inputText.toLowerCase()) != -1){
return matchList;

function displayMatches(matchList){
var j = 0;
while (j < matchList.length){
results.innerHTML += ‘<li class=”result”>’ + matchList[j] + ‘</li>’;



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@kiwisauthorDec 09.2018 — Here is my HTML

<div class=container">

<input type="type" id="aircraft" name="aircraft" placeholder="Search for aircraft">

<ul id="autocomplete-results">





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@SempervivumDec 09.2018 — Obviously you forgot to increment your variable j in the function displayMatches:
function displayMatches(matchList) {
var j = 0;
while (j &lt; matchList.length) {
results.innerHTML += '&lt;li class="result"&gt;' + matchList[j] + '&lt;/li&gt;';
j++; // add this

Why not simply use a for loop?
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@kiwisauthorDec 09.2018 — Awesome thank you
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@rootDec 09.2018 — you can even while ( matchList.length&gt;= j++) { and j = matchList.length;
while ( --j &gt;= 0 ) {

I would have used a for loop myself
function displayMatches(matchList) {
for( var j = 0; j &lt; matchList.length; j++)
results.innerHTML += '&lt;li class="result"&gt;' + matchList[j] + '&lt;/li&gt;';

however, I have noticed that firefox can be funny from time to time, no idea why and it not like for loops that have no braces.


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