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What, exactly, is a “Landing Page”?

I saw a couple of posts asking about landing pages, and I was wondering what they are.

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@sibertFeb 27.2022 — For an example. Vultr had an ad on this forum $100 for trying out Vultr. When you click on the ad you are directed to [the landing page](https://www.vultr.com/promo/try100/?promo=100in14&utm_medium=syndication&utm_source=carbonads&utm_campaign=november21&utm_content=powerful) that call to action rather than to their [home page](https://www.vultr.com).
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@ginerjmFeb 28.2022 — A landing page is the first page that you see when you open up a site. AKA, a home page.
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@NogDogFeb 28.2022 — > @ginerjm#1642909 AKA, a home page

Umm...to my understanding, that's the "home page". As per [this page](https://unbounce.com/landing-page-articles/what-is-a-landing-page/)...

> ...a landing page is a standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It’s where a visitor “lands” after they click on a link in an email, or ads from Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or similar places on the web.
> Unlike web pages, which typically have many goals and encourage exploration, landing pages are designed with a single focus or goal...

But in any case, it's a general concept, not a technical specification, so it can be whatever you want it to me. ;)
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@Mr_Initial_ManauthorMar 09.2022 — Ah, thank you.
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@JimWickAug 08.2022 — A standalone web page that potential customers can “land” on when they click through from an email, ad, or other digital location. A landing page aims to capture information from contacts in exchange for something of value, such as a retail offer code or business-to-business (B2B) insights in the form of a white paper. Landing pages are different from other web pages in that they don’t live in the evergreen navigation of a website. They serve a specific purpose in a specific moment of an advertising campaign to a target audience.
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@billyaurthorAug 12.2022 — A landing page is a standalone web page created to achieve one goal: conversion. It’s a great type of marketing and can also be used for advertising campaigns. This page can appear in response to clicking on a search engine optimized result, email marketing campaign, social media campaign or online ad. This types of marketing is instrumental for generating leads, reaching the right customers, and informing the direction of your marketing strategy overall[.](https://royalcarmats.com/)
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@NogDogAug 12.2022 — {"locked":true}


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